Friday, November 2, 2012

Finally, Fall

I love this time between Halloween and Thanksgiving.
I don't even like to think a thing about Christmas till after Thanksgiving.
Right now, I do like to think about the perfect table all set for Thanksgiving dinner.
Lush displays of Fall's abundance.
The perfect china to serve that perfect dinner on.
A sit by an outdoor fire.
How about Thanksgiving dinner under candlelight outdoors?

Last year I ate my Thanksgiving dinner in front of an outdoor fireplace.
It was quite wonderful.

Yes, I won't be thinking a thing about Christmas till after Thanksgiving.
I'm just going to savor fall, that's all.


  1. Love all the beautiful pictures. I have eaten dessert outside at Thanksgiving one was an Indian Summer, many years ago. Such fun. xoxo, Susie

  2. I agree... one holiday at a time for me...Eating outdoors, always wonderful...
    Ciao for now...

  3. beautiful inspiration, Nita. LOVE that outdoor fireplace!

  4. Love these images, and couldn't agree more about not thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Autumn is the best! Outdoor Thanksgivings are the best, too, and happen more often in Colorado than one might think! :)

  5. I love savoring Fall, too. I never do Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Beautiful images here- xo Diana

  6. I'm with you Nita! Taking down my Halloween so I can savor fall and enjoy each cozy moment.

  7. One holiday at a time. Life is too rushed as it is!!

  8. Thanksgiving is too wonderful to skip. Your pictures are lovely.

  9. Beautiful photos! Enjoy your fall.


  10. I love the metallic turkey and all the acrons. I have been looking for a few fall themed plates and I love the brown and white plates.

  11. Amen! Let's not hurry my favorite season.

  12. Nita, I love seeing fall and Thanksgiving posts and pictures until the day after Thanksgiving too, but I have to be honest and admit that I slowly begin decorating for Christmas next week, trying to incorporate the pumpkins and gourds, etc. into them until fresh greenery takes their place in December. But then I'm a slowpoke and just can't pull it all together if I wait until December.

  13. Hey Nita,

    This is not a comment on your blog even tho it's beautiful today! I opened my Kohls ad this morning and clicked on the 5 and 10 dollar items. There are dachshund items!! You need that cute scarf! Happy shopping!

  14. Beautiful images.
    I adore Fall colors.
    I agree, not Christmas until after Thanksgiving!
    I wish we could eat outside but I'm afraid we might have SNOW at the rate we are going right now.


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