Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seashell Bottle Tutorial

I made another shell topped bottle for my mantel this week.
I decided perhaps my mantel did need a little more stuff.
I added a couple of shells, the bottle and two glass balls I'd forgotten I had.

I thought I'd tell you how I made the seaglass/seashell topped bottles.

They are very easy... here are the steps...
Supplies needed...
white glue or mod podge. Elmer's works great.
Shells and bottle purchased at Michael's and food coloring. temp hot glue gun and silver paint.
The bottles I made two weeks ago I used an old olive oil bottle, a vinegar bottle and a bottle I bought
at the flea market. 
All of them I changed the color of like in this tutorial.
Mix a bunch of white glue with several drops of food coloring. I added a little bit of water too.
It will take more food coloring than you'd think because it lightens as it dries.
Just pour the mixture into a bottle and shake well.
Turn the bottle over and let the glue drip out.
I suggest shaking it out. You want to get as much of the liquid as possible out because 
extra liquid will cause drips.
I used my hairdryer to speed up the drying.
I tried air drying and I got drips and the bottom of the bottle still had liquid in it after sitting over night.
So dry with a hairdryer and turn the bottle as it dries.
You'll know it's drying because it will turn translucent.
Just takes a few minutes.
Here is the finished tinted bottle. I still got some drips...but I think it adds to the charm.
I also went a little green on this one....too much yellow.
I like them a little more blue.
Cut a piece of styrofoam to fit the opening.
Carve out a little hole in the styrofoam to place the shell into.
Heat up the ol' cool temp glue gun and glue the tip of the shell into it.
Then going around and around a little at a time doing small strips of glue.
I've gotten better at this, now that I'm on shell bottle number four.
I kept a bowl of water at hand and I'd dab on about an inch of glue and immediately 
put my fingers in water and then smooth the glue out with my wet fingers.
No burns...this way and I got a nice smooth finish.
Doing this I could mold the glue to my liking.
The first one I did was all lumpy....and that is why I started smoothing with my fingers.
Now just brush paint a silver paint over the cooled glue.
And we're done!
See the lumpy bottle to the left?
I added a few more shells to the living room after making the bottle.
A silver tray full of shells brings the ocean to the coffee table.
All those sand dollars were sent to me last year from MVL reader...Traci G.
She picked them from the beach, dried and bleached them and sent them to me.
Such a sweet gift....Thanks, Traci!

sharing at
Fabulously Creative Friday at Jennifer Rizzo

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Garden Whimsy

A little fun in the garden
a whimsical path of grass under a shocking pink tree creates 
a Seuss-like landscape
These homeowners must have a sense of humor with these silly sculpted bushes
How about a stream of blue glass?
creeping jenny splashes out like water in this birdbath
a simple gazebo frames one perfect topiary

Do you find humor in your garden?

My crepe myrtles are blooming. 
They always make me so happy to see their color in the summer.
I'm thinking I might plant one in the front yard and let it grow into a tree.
I have one in back that is tree sized.
I resisted when my neighbor offered to cut it back a couple of years ago.
I like them big like trees, not kept as bushes.

How about you?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mod Mix Monday #56

Cool Blue
We've begun our days of temperatures over 100 degrees.
It is suppose to get up to 102 today as it was yesterday.
This kind of heat just really takes it out of you.
90 still feel like doing something but 100 or more...nope.
So anyway...I chose this beautiful blue room today for Mod Mis Monday to make myself feel cooler.
Very modern furnishings in a classic room.
I love that blue on the walls mixed with blue furniture and periwinkle accessories. 
Area rug is gorgeous too.

Time for last week's picks from Mod Mix Monday.
Join along with us this week.
The Scribbler of Scribbler Unfocused painted this vanity aqua 
and made it extra special by the way she styled it.
Cindi of Old Black Cat Boo found this awesome mid century cabinet 
for a bargain price at a local antique shop. I adore how it's painted white
and then the wood tone left on the outside.
Cindi also found this coffee table at a thrift store for less than $7.
It's great but I'm really sharing because her dog Blue is in the background.
She says that is his usual spot. 
Check it all out at Old Black Cat Boo.
Cindi is a good friend of mine that I met through blogging.
Susan of Ash Tree Cottage painted an old picnic basket she had lying around.
It's so pretty in this shot with her new Romantic Homes mag and annuals for the garden.
Liz at Image Remix made her whole living room over in soothing beach colors.
Here goal was to lighten things up and she sure did.
I especially like this view from her dining room into the living room.
The twinkle lights mixed with pretty glass on the table really looks magical.

Here we go again...this year is just flying by.
Since this is Mod Mix Monday #56, I realized I've been doing this party for over a year.
It's definitely a highlight of my week.

Please link up your Mod Vintage Mix's below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your post, for sure.

If you link up..I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Open House Sunday

The Greatest House on Earth!!!
So, I searched and searched high and low for a great house to show on this edition of Open House Sunday.
Finally, I came upon this French inspired McMansion in Edmond, Oklahoma.
You know how I feel about McMansions.
I suspect that retired circus performers live here. They do have a love of animal prints in every room.
I understand red zebra is quite rare. 
 Endangered, even. 
It should not have been used to cover dining room chairs.
A red lacquer piano is fighting the large kidney bean sofa for attention in the living room.
I think the red piano won.
As they say...every room should have some animal print in it. Hence the chairs.
Not just one animal print per room in this
Lions and Tigers and Bears...oh my!
Bright accent colors of turquoise and red mix with earth tones.
Of course there is zebra in the kitchen.
Only circus performers would want to be surrounded by so many animal prints,
I think.
Yes, if a little zebra is good...then a lot of zebra is even better...right?
Leopard rug too. More turquoise and red.
Luxurious bath for washing off the ol' sawdust.
Relax in the man cave...have a seat on the zebra bench.
The daughter's room has an equestrian purple theme. What no zebra?
more turquoise and red
I was about to have zebra withdrawal. Thank goodness it's back.
A collection of crosses helps your faith when taming large man eating cats.
turquoise and red once more
Finally, the back courtyard does provide a little relief...
from all the pattern inside. But I do believe I spy a little zebra pattern there on the chairs.
The patio would benefit from some plants.
And finally, plenty of room for grazing elephants outback.

So...obviously....I could not find a good house today for Open House Sunday.
Instead I shared this unique one instead.

I do not approve of the decor of this home in any possible way.
I just thought you might enjoy seeing something so bad.

see listing here