Friday, May 11, 2012

Delphiniums (Blue) and Geraniums (Red)

There Once was a Dormouse
who lived in a bed
of delphiniums (blue) 
and geraniums (red),
And all the day long he'd a wonderful view
of geraniums (red)
and delphiniums (blue)
The Dormouse lay there, 
and he gazed at the view
of geraniums (red)
and delphiniums (blue).
And he knew there was nothing he wanted instead
Of delphiniums (blue)
and geraniums (red).
The Dormouse lay happy, his eyes were so tight
He could not see no chrysanthemums, yellow or white,
And all that he felt at the back of his head
Were delphiniums (blue)
and geraniums (red). 

excerpt from 
The Dormouse and The Doctor
A. A. Milne

all photos from pinterest

This poem has always been a favorite of mine 
and dormice our so cute when they sleep!


  1. Oh, Nita -- at first I thought the weenies had discovered dormice in your garden. You have so many adventures with critters I thought this was a new one!

    Have a delightful Friday and weekend!

  2. I hate mice in my house.....creeps me out. But these little critters are so cute. Do they really snore like that. My Yorkie sounds like that.

  3. Oooooh, I want a dormouse! They're so cute. Probably not a good idea with two cats though ....

  4. So sweet..enjoyed the poem too!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Miss Bloomers

  5. They are so cute and I love the poem.

    Susan and Bentley

  6. What an adorable post. I really needed a "happy" today!

  7. Nita this is a wonderful post. I love the way you used the poem to show up all those beautiful flowers.

  8. That is so sweet! You made my day!!

  9. Just adorable.
    Thanks I needed that.

  10. Precious! I've never heard that poem before. I just love A.A. Milne!

    I was tempted by delphiniums at the nursery this week, but they were so expensive! Maybe some other time . . .

  11. As a retired elementary teacher, I am familar with the poem but never enjoyed it as such a magical moment before. What a fabulous post. You have made my day.

    You are so creative. I want you to have a job that values this and pays you for it. It's there somewhere. Don't give up and keep praying.

  12. That mouse is certainly cuter than the ones that visit me!



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