Saturday, March 24, 2012


For No Other Reason
Than It's Spring!
I adore that image above.
The hodge podge wallpaper and periwinkle blue velvet sofa.
Plus it looks relaxed and comfy.
My wisteria is bursting out in blooms of yet but soon...
But this one is amazing.
Oh, to have a spot like this to read a good book or just take a nap.
Hope you have a pretty Saturday.


  1. That first image is tres charming~I love how it looks~you always find the cutest rooms! I am def in a spring mode myself.

  2. Yay for Spring! LOVE that wallpapered room! :)

  3. Could that wallpaper be anymore charming??? The outdoor room is wonderful, too!

  4. One day I want a velvet couch. I adore the first photo too. The color in the 2nd one is magnificiant and the 3rd photo, I absolutely love.
    Have a good weekend.

  5. The first picture is from another love love itttttttttt

  6. Oh my what lovely pretty photos! That room at the end is to die for! Kit

  7. I have been trying to think of a way to add interest to my powder room and I think you have solved the problem...the first picture is fantastic. Thank you.

  8. That colour is lovely, and the room so relaxing.
    x jeanetteann

  9. Nita, hi I know it has been a while since I have written but I just wanted to drop by and say hello. Your blog is always so incredible. That wallpaper post from pinterest led me to hours spent on pinterest yesterday. I am recovering from surgery and it took me to a world of such beauty and escape....thank you girl. much love, dawn suitcase vignettes xo

  10. That wallpaper is cool. It looks like pages from old books that have had stenciling or painting done over the top.

  11. Is that a commercially available wallpaper or someone's amazing talent? It is absolutely wonderful!


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