Thursday, March 1, 2012

All About Franklin

My Little Life Saver
That's what I tell him anyway. 
I say, "Franklin, you saved my life. You're my little life saver."
He brought me out of a dark place.
His pure joy of being the most happiest any puppy can be has brought so much joy to my life.
The weather is just gorgeous here.
The weenies were having fun in the tall grass in the backyard -
Franklin, especially.
He's grown a little. He's been here almost two months and in that time we've bonded..
I've learned his funny little ways.
In this photo he was busy watching the red cardinal that was flying about.
He has a funny little smile.
See it that silly smile?
The softest feathery fur. 
He has lots of energy but settles down fast to snuggle.
He'll come running at me as fast as he can and throw himself into my arms
and then kiss me and put his paws on either side of my neck in a hug.
Yes, he's grown a little and his fur has gotten a little longer.
Harvey likes him now.
But he loves Sally the most.
This is what I come home to every day or night.
Franklin is always at the window...which of course means lots of 
nose smears on that window. 
But I can live with that. I love coming home and seeing him there 
anxious to see me.


  1. Ahhh what a face to come home to - and that smile - priceless.
    He has the same legs as our new Queensland Heeler puppy - black and white spots, so cute.

  2. Such a cute little face! Darling!

  3. h Franklin you are so cute. You really do have a smile. So glad you have such a nice Mommy and you came into her life at the perfect time.

  4. He looks so cute~and he does have a charming smile. He loves his mommy so much, you can tell!! How cute this story is~gotta love a happy ending. Glad you are having nice weather, it finally snowed last night in Boston but has turned to rain by the morning. This is the winter that never was.

  5. Oh. Goodness, what a sweet pup and darling post. What a lifesaver and a sweetheart too!!

    I know he is so appreciative that you found him and love him so!!!

    This made my heart smile this morning!! What a nice way to start the day!!

  6. Nita, I'm so glad that you found him, and that he's bringing you such joy. He's just what you needed! He's adorable, love that smile! xo

  7. Such a sweet face! Isn't is wonderful to be welcomed home with such happiness around?

  8. precious that sweet, smiling face is. I'm glad you found him!

  9. He is such a sweetie! My hub and I are embarrassingly in love with our little doxie, Harley. She does the same thing - if we lay down on the floor or bed, she'll come flying over and tackle us down for a session of kisses and "hugs"! So loveable!!

  10. Hi Nita - What a precious puppy indeed. Who wouldn't want to see that face waiting for them at the end of a long day? Sounds like he's become a wonderful companion. Our pets are SO special, aren't they? Have a great day! :)

  11. What a cutie pie he is! And I love that he has a smile :)


  12. I am so glad you found each other. That picture of him smiling melted me into a puddle. What a doll!

  13. What an ADORABLE face and that smile! Thanks for sharing the photos

  14. Oh my gosh, Nita, he is just precious and what a blessing to you.

  15. What a wonderful post!
    It just make me smile!
    Franklin is a sweetie!

  16. He is very sweet. I'm so glad to hear that he's help you and is fitting in with the others.

    Isn't it great to have them waiting for you when you get home. One of my cats is always sitting by the front door looking out the sidelight when I get home. Of course, I think he's waiting for food but that's okay.

    Happy to hear you sound happy, Nita!

  17. Beyond ADORABLE!!! Thank you for sharing! Please give generous smooches to ALL!!

  18. He is beyond precious! So glad that you have each other! My Sam has that same kind of long, feathery fur on his ears - I just love it. It's SO soft.

    Enjoy this great weather!

  19. Dear Franklin,
    Thank you for saving your Mama's heart from pain. You are the best dog ever....and I adore your smile!
    Keep waiting for her at the window...jumping onto her lap and giving her your special doglet huggies. Glad the weather is nice.....Bentley is once again jumping over snow drifts....LOL

  20. Oh, I can relate to your sentiments about Franklin! Dogs feel pure joy and express it so well. Seeing a happy dog just makes you smile and lightens your heart. Franklin is darling!

  21. :)
    it was meant to be.
    he had me at that silly smile.
    god he's CUTE!
    yep, meant to be.

  22. so sweet. congrats to both of you.

  23. Such a sweet face, and such a darling smile.

  24. What a sweet boy! I think Newman sent him to you to help you heal. Animals do that, you know.

  25. Love the little nose nuzzles on the window from Franklin waiting for you! Is he there when you get home at 1am?

  26. Your dogs are so cute! I am glad that you and Franklin found each other. Funny how that happens!

  27. He is so precious Nita! What a special gift to come home to every night!~Hugs, Patti

  28. O.M.Gosh Franklin is just precious! I love his smile :) I have a thing for long haired daschunds, even though I don't have one.

  29. What a little doll. And I love the smile. Surely God got the two of you together

  30. This really encourages me to get another doggy in my life . I do miss my Sissy so much I come home to an empty house every day and was use to 2 sweet little pugs

    Franklin is so cute I love his coloring never seen a wennie dog his color LOL

  31. I love his coloring -and I so agree dogs can really help bring us out of a dark place-they just seem to know how much they are needed.

  32. Thanks for sharing pics of Franklin Nita....oh, I just want to pick him up and kiss him and feel how soft his fur is!!!!!!!! where do you live? I'll drive right over...gotta see him!

  33. He is a special boy and what a delight to come home to your weenies. They bring us so much joy, our pets, I just wished they lived forever.

  34. Hi Nita, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  35. What a handsome little sweetie.

  36. Nita !!!! HI - sooooo happy to read this post and see Franklin such a happy member of the family! Prayed so much for you and to read you so happy again is answered prayers! Happy weekend to you and the furry babies oxoxo Christina

  37. Franklin is so adorable...and truly an angel it sounds like, a gift from above!!
    My poor drivers-side window is where Miss. Ginger leaves the most Doxie nose smears...somehow though, they don't bother me as much as they should...until I can't see out the window anymore that is!
    So happy for you Nita...
    xo J~

  38. What a precious little fellow, dogs really can bring healing to a hurting heart. I thank the Lord that Franklin has done that for you, sweet lady. He is perfectly adorable and that smile! Oh my, I love it!
    Hugs, Cindy

  39. OMG! Love Franklin's smile, and I can see why you do too. What personality shines out of that little face.

  40. Thisi s such a sweet post and I enjoyed re-reading it. I love that Franklin watches for you out the window.


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