Thursday, January 19, 2012

Valentine Decor

Available at Pier 1
Looking for some nice Valentine Decorations?
I'm working at Pier 1 quite a bit these days so I thought I'd share some of the Valentine Decor
that came in. 

First is the 3 dimensional wreath above constructed of metal hearts painted and drenched in glitter.
It's the perfect size for your front door.

This wreath of roses is always a favorite of mine for Valentine's Day.
This one is the nicest I've seen.
How about some romantic pillows for your sofa?
Felt roses on both of these.

Really love that one.
embroidered roses and lace 

And a sweet little heart filled bicycle too.
This one stands about 10 inches tall.
Oh...and it's glittered up.

view all by clicking on logo above

I'm working on a little Valentine Decor myself.

In Weenie News...

Harvey is really warming to Franklin.
Harvey, Franklin and Sally played together in a jumbled mess on the bed last night.

Sally doesn't usually play so this is new for her.
In the past she liked to play with me but not so much with the boys.
She likes to groom Harvey but that is about it.

So it is very lively around here...a herd of weenie dogs underfoot.
Happily scampering along instead of the depressed slow
walking that had been going on.

Harvey is wagging his tail again at me and tonight I caught him
standing on the back deck and watching Franklin run around the yard.
Harvey wagged his tail in excitement just watching him.

That is progress. 
I think the plan is working.
Harvey is happier...
I think.
And if Harvey is happier then so am I.


  1. Aahhhhh....I can see it now... all of them playing together! Puts a smile on your face, doesn't it? The rose pillows make you smile too! Very pretty!~Hugs, Patti

  2. Thanks for the heads up on that rose wreath!! LOVE it! blessings ~ tanna

  3. Aweeeee so happy to hear that your babies are happy! Makes a Mama happy.
    Pier One is the best for seasonal decor. I am lovin' those pillows..... Need to get over to mine and use my flyer coupons soon. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. I'd love to have that rose pillow, beautiful.
    So cute about the weenies. That new one has made a big difference at your home. So glad that has happened.

  5. I am so glad that it working out with your "babies". If puppy ain't happy-ain't nobody happy...I stole that and modified it for my own use!;>)

    Love all your Heart decor, too. xo Diana

  6. As Dave said when I read this to him, "nothing like a baby to cheer a room up"...I think that is an old fashioned saying, around here anyway. Sounds like Franklin was the right medicine for all! I love the first wreath~I usually wait until Feb one to put up my valentines...January is moving along quickly!

  7. So glad to hear that the weenies are adjusting well! Sounds like Franklin is livening things up quite a bit!

  8. I love Valentine decorations. Something about red and pink together. Love hearing how the Weenies are doing. Progress!

  9. I am sad, I just went to my pier 1 the other day and they didn't have any Valentine decor :(
    Loving the pillows here!!

  10. I'm so glad the weenies are perking up! I have to pay too may bills this month. Won't be any shopping for me, unfortunately. (Divorce/attorney bills, etc.)

  11. Glad to read all is well and the gloom is gone! You deserve some happy time with all you've been through. When will we see more pictures? We've all been starved on seeing your holiday decorating skills. Hopefully Valintine's day will change all that. Pier 1 does love the glitter don't it?
    Your Pal,

  12. That is such great news about your Weenies! Kit

  13. This post makes me so happy!
    Thinking about the little dogs playing together and hearing about Harvey getting so happy and excited! Sounds like life is beginning to be good again!
    LOVE that 2nd rose pillow!
    Might need to take a trip to Pier One!
    XOXO - Cindi

  14. Ah such pretties to tempt us with! Sounds like you have a busy home with all your furbabies! So glad they are getting along. Aren't you ready for Spring? I am!!
    Miss Bloomers

  15. Such good news! I am glad there is some frolicking going on at your place =)

  16. Great job you people are doing with this website.
    Valentine's Day


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