Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pretty in Pink

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching...I have my mind on pink.
Actually, I never need a holiday to inspire my desire for pink.
Gray, pink and silver...yum, yum, yum.
I'd be very happy with this piece of furniture in my house.
Again, gray and pink
Love the distressed finish on this.

I have a french chest in my living room that I keep thinking I'll paint.
But I keep going back and forth on what color.
Pink? White? or Silver?
That one on the left behind the sofa.
I'm still seriously considering painting the trim on the sofa a very distressed white.
I've been looking for a little larger piece to put in this spot but have yet to find it.
I want to do silver or pink but then I really think it needs to be white to balance 
out the other side of the room.


sharing at


  1. Hi Nita!

    Your living room is so pretty, I love it.

    How about aqua for the chest? It would look awesome with all the pink in the room.

    I think painting the trim on the sofa is a great idea. Go for it!


  2. I can see white on that chest but if you want you could do an undercoat of the color you want and then do the white over and then bring out the undercoat with some distressing. I think your living room is so cheerful as is your whole house. So pretty? Did you ever decide what to do about your bedroom makeover?~Hugs, Patti

  3. Love all of these inspiring pieces!
    Especailly the grey and pink hutch.
    I have a hutch and want to do something really different to it and this may be it.
    As far as your trim on your sofa I say go for it..even it you did a white with silver over it or vice versa!
    Then you could do the chest the same or use the colors opposite..does that make sense?
    And I love this silver redo too
    Blessings girl and have a great weekend!!

  4. here is my v humble and inexperienced opinion...paint it white or pale gray. i think you are right in that the room needs balance. i'm not so sure about the trim on the sofa though. i think the sofa with it's pink fabric and wood trim kinda grounds all the lighter colors. but i'm sure whatever you do nita will look stunning! xo janet

  5. Love the furniture & rooms !!! Is that an Annie Sloan milk paint ?

  6. Lovely pinks! The first thought I had was to paint the chest turquoise and when I clicked on comments I see the 1st comment was to paint it aqua. I like the idea of something unexpected.

  7. Such a beautiful room Nita, I love it! I tend to agree with the above commenters that aqua would be gorgeous! distressed....

    This room is so fabulous!

    Lou Cinda

  8. I think YES paint and distress the sofa frame. I say a luscious silver leaf on the little chest would be gorgeous!

  9. I pinned that hutch with the pink interior too!!! I think u should paint it pink with gold highlights. But you could ask Betsy at her Tuesday party...

  10. I'm voting for silver but the turquoise/aqua crowd had my attention!

  11. I just painted a chest silver and love it

    I also love that pop of PINK

  12. my vote lol silvery color with pink inside the can balance the dresser with lots of ivory white stuff sitting on it..maybe too much balance is enough. its good to have a little bit off kilter. hugs JoAnn

  13. Your living room is beautiful. Whatever you decide, I know it will be gorgeous. I like the idea of painting the chest and the wood on the sofa white; however, with your beautiful pink sofa, I think a pop of pink on both sides would be a nice balance. Maybe pink on the mirrors or the lamps?

  14. Oh boy! Too much pretty stuff. Love all the pink. So gorgeous ;)

  15. Silver for the chest would be my choice. Think of it like the silver bracelet that is the perfect accent for a pink and white outfit! And I love Amy's idea of painting the interiors of the drawers pink -- it would be SO "Nita".

  16. I know you like things much "prettier" than I do, so my opinion may count for little when I tell you that I like the contrast that the brown wood brings to the living room. But, everyone should decorate to their tastes, so if you yearn to paint them, go for it. (HollyM)

  17. I vote for white with the inside of the drawers pink so it's a big surprise to people snooping through your doors.

  18. Gosh, the boycott American Women post is quite funny! Why was it posted HERE?? I am not an American woman myself, but would NEVER think all that stuff!

    Anyway, I wanted to say that I LOVE that natural wood in that corner, I think a spot of natural wood is just what is called for when there are a lot of lovely painted peices. On the other side of the door you have a white desk and a wood tone chair, and on the side of the room with the wood dresser you have a white table! PERFECT as is.


  19. Nita---I have no doubt that whatever you do will look simply fabulous! Jana in Texas PS -- the "Boycott American Women" commenter sounds like he is one bitter man! lol

  20. I saw a silver leafed chest of drawers that was to die for. So I vote for silver. If I can find the post it was on I will send you the link.

  21. How about painting the dining room chairs pink? Your room is wonderfrul...

  22. Paint the chest pink or even turquoise (my favorite!) but I wouldn't paint it white. You've got that little white table by the sofa that provides a compliment to the white piece. Mix it up a little; a different shade of pink and maybe some bright gold or silver pulls, or the turquoise.

  23. They look fantastic! Have a lovely weekend, Kellie xx

  24. Beautiful living room...and I vote for silver on the one piece in the room. Definitely silver!

  25. Love your Living Room and the colors that you have in it!! So pretty especially the sofa!


  26. Nita, your living room is just beautiful I love the pink and love the couch, and it would be great in distressed white also. I just redid my living room and posted it on my blog if you are interested in taking a look. It was my first attempt at distressing. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  27. Love pink and LOVE your style. In my opinion...for whatever it's worth I think you should paint it white...but don't distress it. Lovely room, lovely house.

  28. I'm loving your Pink style. HPS!
    Joyce M

  29. What a lovely, cheery room!! And I'd definitely go white on the couch! Thanks for sharing. Have a great Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  30. okay, my vote is to leave the wood chest and paint the sofa wood distressed white. I think every room needs a bit of wood to act as a grounding effect in the absence of black. Just a thought. I do love pink, but it's never been in my decorating schemes. Hmmm. Perhaps a change is in the air?

  31. OMG! Can you imagine that I just said I've never decorated with pink when my bedroom drapes have raspberry and my desk chair is a pink paisley? I need to take a nap :)

  32. I love the painted and aged pink pieces. I wish I could use that color in my house, but it wouldn't work.

  33. my master bath is grey and pink! Because of cost, I had to keep the pink counter top, but I made it work and it looks fine! Love your photos here!

  34. your living room is beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing.Hugs and Happy Pink Saturday xo

  35. You home is just precious! I know any color you pic is going to look fantastic ox

  36. I don't know if I've ever left a comment (I don't think so) but I love your home! Love that sofa and I think it would look great with the frame painted and distressed.

  37. Ur definately a girl after my own mind stays on pink 24-7, lol.....I dont think the piece needs to be white to balance out the other side of the room, it need only be a light pink.....Yep, for sure ide go with the pink! Check out my china cabinet, its pretty light, ile find the color for ya, if ya like it...Is it Monday yet? Im ready to Mod-mix, lol. Hope uve had a good weekend!..........Bonnie

  38. Featured your lovely chair - come and grab a button!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

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