Friday, September 30, 2011


Sally Ann Sue Rogers Stacy
So hard to get a good photo of Sally. 
She is constantly on the move.
Once she settles down...she'll happily sit in your lap for hours and hours.
But she's one busy dog when she's outside.

Sally's name just seemed to get longer and longer as she's lived with me.
She started out as Sally Ann Stacy
But then I added Sue to it because Sue is my sister's middle name and she is the 
reason Sally lives with me. 
Then I added Rogers to it because there was a very sweet woman 
in the little town where I grew up and her name was Sally Rogers.
She was the maid of honor at my Grandmother's wedding long long ago.
She used to babysit my sister and I sometimes.
At some point I just added the Rogers into Sally's name as tribute to her.

I always say Sally was raised poorly.
She grew up in a trailer park. And that is why sometimes she doesn't know better.
My sister who has some questionable friends, called me one day when she was driving 
back from a weekend trip to someplace several hours away.
She said she'd been with the sweetest pie bald dachshund and the people who had
her did not want her.
She said she was afraid of what might happen to that dog.
I asked why she hadn't thrown her in the car and brought her to me.
She said she was afraid to for I'd told her not to bring home stray dogs...
but I didn't mean unwanted dachshunds!

So I gave her gas money to go back for her two weeks later.
The people that had her were just tired of her. They just did not want her.
Can you imagine?

So late on a Sunday sister brought her to me.
Her eyes were all bugged out and she held her ears back with worry.
She had fleas and worms.
I bathed her immediately and she's never had a flea since.
A visit to the vet got rid of the worms.

Her original name was "Patches". I have never uttered that name.
I called her Sally the minute I saw her because I just thought she looked like a Sally.
And she learned that name in like 15 minutes. 
Like she'd never had another. 

Sally is a night owl.
She is always last to bed at night.
If she is in the bed when we go in there...she gets up and runs around the house.
During that time she eats and tears up things.
She was probably about 9 months old when I got her and very very skinny.
She's almost a chunk now. Well, not really. She could lose a pound or two.
But nothing like Harvey.

She was very nervous here for just a few days and then settled right down.
But the next time my sister came to visit a couple of weeks later, 
Sally looked very frightened. 
She bugged her eyes out again and held her ears back.

I think she was afraid that my sister was going to take her back to the terrible place she used to live.
She did this the next few times my sister came to visit.
Like she just knew this new life was going to end. 
But then she finally came to feel secure and began to be happy to see my sister.
She finally realized I was not going to give her away.

So I said that Sally is a night owl and she is a morning sleepy head too.
The others get up to go outside and she stays in bed.
When I get out of bed...she goes further under the covers hoping not to be bothered.
I usually don't wake her....I let her get up whenever she decides she wants to.
I totally understand because I'm a sleepy head in the morning too.

She is the sighing-est dog I've ever seen. She is constantly sighing.
When she gets all comfortable...she'll let out a big sigh of contentment.
She does this all day hmmmmmmmmmmm......I'm so happy.

Her only bad flaw is that she loves to tear up bed clothes and clothing.
This is exasperating.
Like chew big holes in them.
I've lost so many comforters to her. 
The quilt currently on the bed looks like swiss cheese.

On any given day I never know what color her poop will be.

I'm pretty good at keeping things up and away from her but if I slip in anyway,
I'll soon find blue or red poop.

Like over the past month...I've been distracted.
I found blue poop and wondered what thing of mine she'd eaten.
Sure enough...I found one of my dresses on the floor of the closet with big holes in it.

I've pulled panty hose out of her butt. 
It's really terrible. Very dangerous.
And I try so hard to keep it from happening.

Thank goodness somehow we've avoided any intestinal blockage so far.

As with all my dogs Sally has her own song.

Her's is 
Sally Wally Doodle All the Day

Oh that little spotted dog she isn't, isn't any good
Isn't, isn't very good 
Isn't isn't any good

That little spotted dog she isn't, isn't any good
Sally Wally Doodle all the Day

Sing, Sally Wally Doodle all the Day
 Sally Wally Doodle all the Day

That little spotted dog she isn't, isn't any good
Isn't, isn't very good 
Isn't isn't any good
That little spotted dog she isn't, isn't any good
Sing, Sally Wally Doodle all the Day

I don't know that she likes her song very much.
All my other dogs, I sang their songs to them as little tiny puppies.

Newman would drop everything when he heard me start to sing his song
and turn to listen to me sing it. 
He knew it well and liked to hear me sing it to him.

Sally loves Harvey and Harvey loves Sally.
Violet tries to ignore Sally.
She just does not care for her. 

She never has...she looks the other way when Sally comes up to her.
She moves if Sally lays down beside her.

Fortunately, Sally seems unfazed by this and goes about her merry way.

I do wish I'd had her as a tiny puppy but I don't think she could love me any more
than she does. 

I used to get so tickled at Newman because he was always planning his escape into 
the big wide world. But Sally would never run away in a million years, she's seen
the big wide world and it wasn't kind to her.
She's happy right here.

One time all four dogs got out.
Harvey never left the yard and Sally immediately followed me back into the yard.
Violet went off to find a man and Newman....well Newman went off on an adventure.

Sometimes I open the gate and try to encourage her to go through it.
She shakes her way....I'm not going out there.

I think she knows a good thing when she's got it.


  1. Oh what an excellent biography! I loved the story of sally~how fantastic of you to save her Nita! No wonder she loves you and is so content to stay put. So sweet!

  2. You are so cute with your little song!! )And, Sally is cute, too.) My uncle had a little weenie dog named Gus. It was the perfect name for him. I swear I could just picture him walking around the house like he owned it with a cigar in his mouth (not literally).

  3. Have to relate a funny story about pantyhose. The night we brought our second dachshund home she disappeared into my sister's very messy bedroom and the next thing we knew she came streaking around the house with a pair of pantyhose in her mouth the legs trailing behind her. She was a fast little bugger and didn't want us to take away her fun. She also loved to take the squeakers out of her toys. What a mess.

    As you well know, dachshunds are a mischievous lot but so adorable when they snuggle and love on you.

    Thank you for finally telling Sally's story.

    Hope you're doing well.


  4. LOL I am singing Mustang Sally to myself right now! Sally, you are so, so pretty!!! I loved reading your biography that your mom wrote about you. I had no idea that you have such a naughty streak. You need to stop eating your mom's clothes and linens! You could hurt yourself! Plus, your mom likes her pretty things! I hope you enjoy exploring in the back yard during this lovely weather, but don't eat anything!

    Ricki Jill and Bonnie Blue

  5. Oh my gosh, what an adorable post! Doesn't it make you feel happy every day to know you made Sally's life a happy one? And not everyone can say they have pulled panty hose out of a dog's butt.

  6. Sally has found her home and a never ending supply of cloth to eat it seems. We have a newer edition that steals things and hides them under covers.

  7. Oh, Sally, how incredibly lucky you are to have been rescued from the life you could have led. I am sure you know that and that is why you don't go out of the gate. Smart girl you are Sally.

    Nita, she is a sweet girl, so pretty. Your photos of her seem to capture a calm nature....I think she is so cute.

    Have a great day!! Give Sally a hug!!!

  8. Nita, you crack me up! ;) I love how you can see right into a dog's soul. Little Sally is so fortunate to have a home with you!!! If only people were as easy to deal with as dogs! :)
    Happy weekend!!!

  9. Hi Sally,
    It is so nice to meet you. I am happy to hear that you have a nice new loving home. I bet the reason why you like chewing up linens is because someone used to keep you pinned up a lot with only a linen to keep you company when you were a pup. I have a dog that likes to do that too for the same reason. He finally learned how to just suck on the blankets. I will take a wet blanket over a ripped up one any day. Maybe some day you will want to try just sucking. Oh Sally I really am so happy for you that God has blessed you with a real life loving Momma. Have a beautiful day!

  10. Cute post! I could just hear you singing that song! Your babies are blessed to have you!

  11. Nita,
    Always a treat to read about your

  12. Great post! She's beautiful, and you, my dear, are a very good mom!

  13. Hmm raised in a trailer park, maybe that is my dogs excuse too. She is a very rude sniffer of everyone that comes over. I always apologize for her rude behavior. Hope all is well.

  14. Even though my house is full of little rescues...abused, neglected and unwanted. Sally's story still makes me want to cry.
    She's so lucky to have you and it's obvious that she knows it.
    It breaks my heart to think of what she must have gone through before she found her forever-home.
    :) - Cindi

  15. She's such a sweety! How wonderful she has found such a wonderful home with you~Hugs, Patti

  16. I love reading your well written stories and this one is no exception. Your little Sally sounds very sweet and smart, smart enough to know a good thing when she sees it.

  17. I love reading about your weenies!!! I can tell that they are like your children! I love my pets and they all have their own special personalities and quirks that make them unique!!! Thank goodness there are others out there that love their pets!!!

  18. That gas money was the best money you ever spent, Sally is a doll!One of my doxies chews the comforters too! I may have nightmares tonight about the pantyhose thing though!


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