Friday, August 5, 2011

Hydrangea Love

Am I Blue?
Yes and No
Yes, because my hydrangeas never bloomed this year.
No, because my hydrangeas never bloomed this year.
Meaning there is no blue in my garden.
I love hydrangeas so much and look forward to my 
Endless Summer hydrangeas blooming 
late in the spring and continuing in the summer.
Nothing this year. I'm guessing because there just wasn't 
enough moisture and then it has been too hot and the bush 
has been stressed.
So this year I've just had to enjoy hydrangeas online.
I was also very obsessed with having a potting bench this year.
I saved many in my Pinterest folder here as reference to 
what kind I would have.
I guess now it will just have to be a project that waits for next year.
It's too darn hot outside to do anything.

Here is the winner of the Uprinting canvas giveaway.
It is lucky number 13!
Number 13 was One Crowded House!
I'll email you details.


  1. I'm smitten with those hydrangeous!

  2. mine bloomed but they are pink. i can never get them blue no matter how much we try...

    hugs, cindy

  3. Oh how I love hydrangeous. My parents had a lovely big pink one that I used to cut big flowers from and pretend I was a bride when I was little. I do love the blue but you don't see them here. I think our soil isn't right for them.

  4. I had tons early in the summer, but now they are struggling with the heat. They are mostly turning brown, and there have not been many new blossoms.

  5. My hydrangeas were gorgeous in the spring, then they went into shock, but now they are coming back, but they are an unusual combination of russet and green....WTH?????

    They were the prettiest shade of blue in the spring and early summer....

    I love, love, LOVE this post!!!! Can you believe those hydrangeas planted in the to *love* it!

    Sorry you are blue....and not blue....

  6. Wow what beauties. My one and only hydrangea plant died this year. No blooms for me now either.

  7. So sad ... maybe next year. Love the potting bench!

    Susan and Bentley

  8. Dearest Nita,

    Well, we did see lots of blue earlier in the year, did post about 'Our Hydrangeas + Tea' on June 24. But now they are stuggling for dear life. Guess they feel 'blue' themselves...

    Have a wonderful weekend and congrats to 'One Crowded House'!


  9. I can't imagine how your hydrangeas feel. Mine have been quite unhappy in our heat so I think you're lucky if you're managing to keep them alive.

  10. My hydrangeas in the back yard didn't bloom this year either. I think it's more from the lack of rain last summer than this one, although the rain has been lax. My little bushes are not happy campers. I did manage to get blooms on the Annabelles ....

  11. So sorry yours did not bloom. Some bloom on old wood. I never trim mine after July or I have no Blooms. I was successful in drying several arrangements in water. I am trying to propagate some by a new method for me but the heat may be too much for it to work. We may have storms today. Color me excited!

  12. Nita, Hydrangeas are my favorites. I am smitten with the photo of them in pots, lining that drive. GORGEOUS!


  13. I feel your lack of hydrangea pain...ours never bloomed either, but I believe we trimmed it back too far and then, instead of too much heat...we've had just about sad.
    The images you have are so pretty, and hopefully next year will be a 'normal' summer for all...including the hydrangeas.
    Stay cool...
    xo J~

  14. that's too bad your hydrangeas never bloomed. my mom had them at her old house. they are gorgeous, but finicky.

    a patient of mine had some gorgeous blue ones in her room not long ago. one of her friends had brought them by. i nearly asked her if she was going to throw them away once they started drying up because i wanted to take them home with me! =P

  15. My bush did a little better this year than the last two. I had five blooms this year and only two last year. I just got through getting a post together for tomorrow with the last bloom.

  16. The one I planted last year is blooming an off-white color and the new one is pink...I wish I had blue!

  17. Same with me, I just had a few, early in the summer, then before I knew it they were brown and gone. I watered them everyday, I guess it was the 100+ heat every day, I really hated it, I didn't get to save any of them.

  18. I LOVE hydrangeas, and have some of the Endless Summer variety. I live in the Dallas area, and they do great in the Spring but really don't last into the summer with the terrible Texas heat. Just a warning, because I don't think OK's climate is much better! :)

  19. I am so sorry you are not BLUE!, But these pictures are so glorious! I was in heaven for a minute. Thanks

  20. Mine are not blooming,so thanks for the pretty post.

  21. I will be pinning these pictures for for Nita! Summer will be here soon and I can't wait for my hydrangeas to liven up a bit!

    I just wanted to let you know that I have started up a weekend linky party where you can link up posts about your favourite Pinterest pins for the week, your favourite music or even a bit of both! I'd so love to see you there!

    Best wishes for a lovely weekend,


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