Sunday, July 24, 2011

Open House Sunday 13

Historic in Atlanta
This home built 1925
in the Morningside neighborhood of Atlanta
I lived in Atlanta for ten years...and for today's Open House Sunday...
I thought I'd show a few available homes there.
I love the outside of this home.
beautiful room...poor furniture choices.
This house is obviously staged for sale.
I can imagine how lovely this home would be with pretty furniture.
What do you think about this chandelier? It is not what I would pick but I kind of like it.
Lovely open kitchen
I wouldn't choose these light fixtures either but I like them with the black island and those modern bar stools.
This furniture is much better than what was in the first room. Still staged, though.
Another fun mod light fixture. This one I really love.

Another Morningside Home
love the door detail
Perfect kitchen. 
pretty door handles

I'd be happy in either of these homes. Both have very pretty features. 


  1. Loved the kitchen in the first one and I agree, light fixtures sorta wierd for this house, but would be a great ready to move in house with pretty furniture. I like the second one better. The front door and that bookcase is to die for! Enjoyed the tour. Thanks

  2. Hi Nita,

    What gorgeousness!

    Have you seen my new kitchen renovation yet? I think you'll like it :)


  3. crap...I was feeling pretty good about my tiny house until I saw these. :(
    I'm "drooling" over that first kitchen, it's enough to make me actually want to cook something.

    I LOVE both houses, sigh......

    Hey, I finally posted photos of the outside of my little shack...

  4. Wow, That first home is stunning inside and out. I would love to have something like that.

    Enjoy your Day~

  5. I would glady take take the first house, it is all ready to put your own stamp on it! I loved that staircase!

  6. Both houses are really nice. The black furniture isn't pretty, I might add, hah. I love that huge mirror in the first house. It is fun to look, isn't it.

  7. I love to look at homes for sale and am an avid watcher of House Hunters on HGTV. I like both of those homes and do like a lot of the features but use my imagination as to how I would decorate it. Btw, I am a fairly new follower of your blog and I am loving looking at all the wonderful changes you made to your home! Really beautiful!~Hugs, Patti

  8. Great choices for your open house post. I liked both homes, especially their kitchens and baths. It looks like the prices in some of these neighborhoods have come down. We were thinking about moving to Atlanta a couple of years ago, but we decided against it because our daughter only had two years of HS left, and we did not want her to board at her school.

  9. Aww, those kitchens!! Love both of them, but I agree, those are not the light fixtures or furniture I would put in that house. Beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  10. What a wonderful home that first house is......its so open and airy and bright and cheery, it looks like a happy house.
    Both of the kitchens and baths were really well done!

  11. Morningside is one of my favorite parts of Atlanta. We made an offer on our first home there- 1970 - and the owner decided to take it off the market and rent it instead. Every now and then I think of that house and how charming it was and wonder what it would be like if we had bought it. Also, what would the value be now??!!! Back then the price was $32,000 - crazy, huh?!!! Linda

  12. I can't believe the staging in that first house! The furniture in that great room is cramped in the center of the space, no one could even walk in to it.

    But I love them both, too.

  13. Hi Nita, I enjoy open house Sunday! It's so mich fun to see the cool homes you choose. I love the first one!
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Why do designers think that you must always have brown leather sofas? They look so out of place in these houses.
    I'll be delighted to see brown fade from the decorating spectrum.

  15. Beautiful ... I really love all that blue & white. all it's missing is a few little Weiner dogs. =D

  16. Great choices. I love living in Morningside with all the Pretty Old Houses. There's inspiration all over.
    Glad to see you like them, too.

  17. Oh wow... I just love these houses!!
    Greetings from NY,


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