Monday, July 11, 2011

Mod Mix Monday #7

In the Mix
There is so much I like about this room.
The rough antique wood table, retro chairs in pastel colors, capiz shell chandelier, antique fireplace,
wood floors and vintage collection of paintings.

Last time's Mod Mix Monday was full of inspiration...
Great lamp redone at

I could live in this laundry room from

Seriously love this silver leafed console from

I can't wait to see what mixes you come up with this week.


  1. Having lived in that mid century I am surrounded by "Mod Mixes" which I need to photo to share. I wanted to link so my readers who love that era can find you and your party. I hope you do not mind that I posted my plea for help. Right now this is heavy on my OLD mind.

    Of course now I want to read all about the Weinies and your Halloween posts. (My addictions)

  2. I love that silver leaf table. I also just found the cameras and chaos blog recently and love that as well! That fist image is so you Nita!

  3. Love the art in the first picture...great inspiration!

  4. Hi - Fellow weenie lover here! I just have the one but it feels like I have 5 sometimes... I LOVE that laundry room. Mine is the complete opposite, cobwebs and gloom abound. Thanks for the idea! Stop by and visit me when you can!

  5. oooooooooooooo I love that first picture! I would so have everything in it in my house!!!! *love it* I will be linking up a day late tomorrow. My post is not ready yet...too many family birthdays and activities going on this week!

    Thanks for hosting, Nita!

    Ricki Jill

  6. I love the first image. The fireplace and table are amazing, and the art on the wall adds such a lovely feel to the room. *Adds to the inspiration pile :)

  7. Hi Nita,
    I love that room, too. It is so warm and relaxed looking, but also very beautiful, with the vintage appeal to it.
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. Hey Nita, how are the weenies? Your blog is growing leaps & bounds. Congratulations! I love this post, the first image is to die for. I love everything about it! I'm going to pin it in pinterest right now~Penny

  9. I am back linking-up and looking at that first photo. Do you think if I used chairs like the ones in the photo for our art studio that it would look too much like a dining room? Or should I find chairs that are more like desk chairs? I am getting a thinner dining table for the room.....

  10. THAT LAUNDRY ROOM!!!!! gasp!*!*!

    It never occured to me that I could have a chandy in my laundry room. And that turquoise!


    ~ Violet

  11. I love everything about the design elements in the first image, EXCEPT the chairs. The older I get, the more I choose comfort over appearance. lol

    Thanks for hosting, Nita. Hope to see you at TTT this week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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