Friday, May 27, 2011

White Kitchen Tile

No tile here...I just love this kitchen.
I love all white tile in a kitchen...unfortunately my tile looks like this -
Today, I'm working on creating all white tile in my kitchen.
I think it's going to work. Here's a glimpse.


  1. Yippee! I think it's going to turn out beautifully. Looks like you are enjoying Pinterest too. I'm getting addicted. So do not need another time sucker but can't help myself!

  2. Wow! What ate you doing? I looks like it's going to work! I love seeing your pretty home!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. It's looking great! If you're painting it, I sure hope you'll do a tutorial so the rest of us can get the scoop!

  4. I think this is going to turn out great. I painted my kitchen backsplash in another house 15 years ago. It had very dated murals, I was thrilled when they were gone. no one ever knew.
    xoxo Debra

  5. Wow! Can't wait to see what your awesomeness comes up with Ms. Nita!!! What a fun project.

    Happy Friday!

  6. Holy cow....can't wait to see the finished are awesome!

  7. You are always thinking of something neat...can't wait to see your white tile kitchen.

  8. That looks great! I'm eager to see what you're doing.

  9. Wow, it's looking super. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  10. Oh Nita!!! I am so happy for you, and that looks amazing! You are going to love it so much, good for you!!!
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. Thanks for the compliment Nina! I bet this will look amazing.

  12. It looks great, but I love the black and white as well!!!

  13. I know its going to look great. Those inspiration photos have me swooning.

  14. Can't wait to hear how this turns out! Underneath that wallpapered backsplash in my kitchen, is white tile with a black accent. I've been thinking I would like the white tile if only I could get rid of the black.
    Life "interruptous" here! We're heading out to Wewoka for a big decorating job at a Lake house tomorrow morning. Spent all day today shopping for that same client. FUN! But tiring. Good blogging material though! Have a great weekend.

  15. I just read the sweet bios on your weenies, there are precious! I havent made up songs for my 2 weenies but I am always giving them nickname middle names, like penny belle, is sometimes pennyanna, pen pen, bertha (she is a chubs) chubby bunny and Lyndi is Lyndi Rose, Lyndi rosanna, lyn lyn cutie patootie, it must be my southern roots to give middle names, but they always answer me they are so smart!

  16. I love all of those kitchens! =)

  17. Thank so much for this post. We are getting ready to rip-out our ugly granite, and you have given me some ideas.... ;P

  18. Hi Nita...So funny I'm discovering you on this post as I just did a post that shows the white tile in my kitchen even though the post isn't about my kitchen, it's about lilacs!
    I've always loved white subway tile and we ended up putting it in both bathrooms and the kitchen...never get tired of it!
    xo Jessica

  19. I think you are well on your way and I just love all the inspirations..that first picture is such a WOW kitchen. Can't wait to see what you do, white tile is such a can't go wrong.

  20. White kitchens always inspire me!

  21. oh wow, it is looking great!! Can I ask what you are using to paint with?? and I love your kitchen chandelier!


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