Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lamp Gets a Makeover or...

Lamp ReVamp
First, I want to thank everyone for their very kind comments on my post of yesterday.
You know a few times when I've posted something very, very personal, 
I've hit the "publish post" button with a sick feeling in my stomach like this may be 
going too far. I often compose my post late at night and schedule it to appear in
the morning. I went to bed thinking...well...that was not about home decor....that was
all about my feelings...and thoughts. They will think I'm a freak, perhaps I should delete. 
But then I just go ahead and hit that button.

And then the few times I've done that...I've woken and come in and checked my blog 
to find that my readers have embraced it and tell me that they love that I shared. 

It continues to amaze me that the more I show my true self here...the more I'm accepted.
I'm not always the most cheerful person. I think I am naturally a happy person 
but sometimes life is just very hard and it's hard to stay cheerful.
One of my local friends recently ask me to come to a party (which I declined, saying I just wasn't
much in the partying mood these days because I'm depressed and worried
about how my career is going or rather, not going) and she said, 

"But I read your blog and you are so happy on your blog!"

I thought about it a moment and said as I realized...
"Well, I AM happy when on my blog.
Everything is GREAT when I do my blog. I am at my happiest, creating and updating my blog.
All my insecurities go away while I do that." 
Yes, all my worries about my future disappear. 
So yes, I am happy on the blog. I am being totally honest when posting.

So thank you all for giving me that every day in a time when I need it.
back to the 
Lamp ReVamp
See the lamp there by the chair? (the chair that is patiently awaiting it's makeover)
I've had this antique bridge lamp for a long time. 
I bought it at the Scott Antique Market in Atlanta back when I lived there.
The Scott Antique Market was a must for me each month. 
If you live near enough to drive there - say within four hours away....go!
It is the best place to find all kinds of fantastic vintage items. 
Just ask Kim at Savvy Southern Style, she hits it regularly.
Oh...I wish I wasn't a 14 hour drive from it or I'd go each month.
Ok, back to that lamp. I loved it when I bought it, look at the details.
Great, right?
But the shade was not thrilling me these days. 
At Christmas I bought this sparkly globe light thingy at a local florist shop. 
It actually was being used as a Christmas ornament on a very large tree. The tree had been covered 
with them but they only had one left and they were removing it when I was in the store.
It came with it's own cord and socket. It was not lit when I purchased.
It was only $15 and I couldn't resist even though I had no idea what I'd do with it.
I got it home, plugged it in and it didn't work! 
Drat...that meant I needed to go buy another socket and cord. 
Since I didn't need another light, it has sat for months waiting for me to do something with it.
Then the other day, I thought...
"I wonder how it would look instead of the shade that is on my bridge lamp?"
I unscrewed the assembly that connected the old lampshade. 
It was a brass ring with screws to hold the glass shade in place. 
And I liked the way I thought this would look. 
The cord on this lamp was plenty long so I was able to pull enough cord up through the base 
to let the light hang further down into the new globe.
I shortened the globe's chains a little. These chains make it so that the weight of the globe is totally 
supported by the chains and not the electrical cord at all. 
You wouldn't want the electrical cord carrying the weight. That would not be good.
I'm not sure where I want it in my house but I know I like it much better.
It's much funkier. A good mix of Modern and Vintage which I love.
And speaking of Modern and Vintage....
I've been thinking of doing this for quite a long time like 6 months at least. 
I'm going to start a link party here next Monday...or actually it will go up Sunday night called....
wait for it....

What do you think? I know there are soooo many linky parties out there that I struggle to keep up with them myself. 
But my favorite rooms and projects are the ones where modern things are mixed with 
old things. That can be taking an old lamp and painting it with new spray paint.
It can be an antique sofa plopped down in the middle of a modern room. 
You can link up by adding a project where you took an old thing and put a new spin on it or you bought 
a very modern thing to add to your traditional room or you added a traditional element to your modern room. 
Or you can link up any photo that inspires you to do this in your own home. 
Just be sure to give credit for where the photo originally came from.

Tell me what you think.
Do you want another linky party?

I know I get great inspiration from link parties and really enjoy all of them but my most favorite rooms 
are rooms that mix vintage and modern and I just don't see enough of it.
You see it certainly at LONNY and in the pages of Undecorate and in the new Tradhome.
And my first intention of this blog was to show that. 
I'm afraid I often stray from that intention because my income was seriously reduced shortly after 
beginning this blog so adding modern stuff to my vintage has not happened as much as I'd thought it would.

But new can be a revamp of something like this lamp I showed today.
This redo was not cost me $15. 
Or another mod mix could be my recent tissue paper wall corsage.
Anyway....let me know if you like the idea of this party.
My ModMix Vintage Lamp

Mandi over at
has declared this week Lamp Week

I had already planned to show this lamp today but what a coincidence! 
Go over and see everyone's great lamps.

She is also having a great Silhouette discount. 
I still don't have one of these machines...but I wish I did.
The things I could do with it.

oh and 
is giving away a Silhouette! 
I just entered to win. I really need one of these machines.

sharing at


  1. LOVE how sparkly and fun it is! your house is gorgeous.:)


  2. I really like the way you have revamped the lamp! A great look and it goes perfect with your other decor. Your home looks so cheerful and colorful!

  3. I love what you did to the lamp. The only thing I would do is make the chains shorter. Maybe half of what you have there. Just sort of looks a bit off but I think its an awesome idea. :)

  4. It looks great. I love it, its a great idea.

  5. Nita, the lamp has great vintage details and that huge orb did take it to modern. I think if you want to do a link party then do one. Seems like everyone else has good attendance. You have grown your blog very well and I am sure people would link up. xoxo, olive

  6. This is a GREAT reinvention of that gorgeous lamp. How fun and inspired. That is so creative and I just love it. Now I'm off to read your last post :)

  7. i like the linky party idea. Its is different. I know I love the textile linky party at freckled laundry cuz it is more specific than a general bunch of posts about everything.
    Love the mod vintage lamp! So smart to update it in this very cool way.

  8. Love it! My mom has a lamp like this chilling in her attic - its shade has been broken several times (the worst time by me as a kid), so I'm going to see if she'll let me have it so maybe I can create something similar. Thank you for being an inspiration!

  9. You have turned the lamp into something pretty and ornate. What a transformation! Popping over from WUW :)

  10. This turned out really great--gotta love the bling factor! I think a link party is a great idea. You have a great blog & following... why not grow what you love to do? It's on my calendar!

  11. Your lamp rocks! Feminine and mod...btw I would love that linky party, definately would contribute!!

    Fancy Frugal Life

  12. Love the way your lamp turned out! I am partial right now to that shape. Will stay tuned for your linky party. Sounds like fun.

  13. YOUR HOME IS DIVINE, NITA!!! I want my home to look so!

    Have a glorious day, Anita

  14. Your creativity and whimsy are so inspiring! Your lamp turned out beautiful.

    ~ Violet

  15. That lamp looks awesome! I used something similar for a ceiling fixture and I just can't get enough of the crystals! See it here!

    Also, I would totally link up to a mod vintage party. I agree sometimes its hard to keep up with all of the link parties, but its a great way for me to find new inspiration even if I don't happen to have anything to share at the moment. So yes! Each link party has its own purpose or niche and I say do it!

  16. i love that beautiful!

  17. Your posts about how you feel ring so true, that it really touches people's hearts, so be true to yourself- and don't worry when you feel it is more of a personal post than a makeover post!!
    I love your cute lamp make-over. Consider yourself much supported by all your blogfriends- and remember, we all have bad days !!
    The link party is a lovely idea.
    Take care.

  18. Love the lamp revamp Nita! And that little corner is just so adorable, a perfect space to relax!

    I so would participate to whatever linky party you'll be a great party hostess!

    I'm glad you and your mom enjoyed the magazine article. Thanks so much for your support, always!

  19. Gorgeous and simple lamp idea. I love the sparkly!

  20. I love the re-do of the lamp. I also would love a vintage decor party. That is more my style anyway at least in my kitchen. Hope you are feeling better. Bloggers are so great don't you think? I love them. I have had such nice responses to posts that it just cheers me. Have a good day!!!

  21. What an elegant lamp you ended up with! I love your house, the mix you have of different styles and colors.

  22. I know what you mean about being happy on the blog. It's definitely a stress reliever at times. Wonderful job on the lamp revamp! I've been meaning to ask you if you were ever going to do a linky party. I think that's a marvelous idea. I don't join linky parties all the time but I still like to visit them when I can.

  23. ok, so yes, the lamp is great but!!!!!!! the paper flower cluster on the wall is out of this world. Why have I not seen this before? Wait didn't you make the flowers. I guess I can't hang paper flowers around the living room as planned for a photo shoot. Oh well!
    The hummingbird post is the best and like always, life surprises. Keep the faith, baby!

  24. Your lamp is so wonderful now!!! It really sparkles, it does not look like a grandma lamp anymore! I like the idea of the ModMix, it sounds very fun!
    Hugs, Cindy

  25. Beautifully done!! Love what you did, the sparkly shade was the perfect touch. I have a confession to make....since I am a newish blogger, about 4 months I dont' feel too bad saying this...but I am still so confused over a lot of "blogspeak" and have no idea what a linky party is. So can't comment on it. Great job on the lamp!

  26. its really beautiful :)


  27. So pretty! I would've never have thought of that! You are SOOO talented!

  28. What a mod-vintage lamp you've created. What good thinking on combining those two pieces. Your link party sounds fun. Hugs, Kim

  29. So *that's* what those type of lamps are called! I bought a vintage "plant holder" off Etsy and haven't really done anything with it because my cats are really bad at destroying plants (plus, I have a black thumb!), so the thing is sitting in my spare room. The other day I was looking at it and it struck me, "This was a lamp!" I am going to silver leaf over the glossy black paint job the Etsy seller did on it, and rewire it (how hard can that be? I've re-wired lamps before, years ago, and my home has yet to burn down LOL!). Now all I need is a fancy schmancy globe like yours and I am in business!

    You are amazingly creative. Your lamp turned out stunning! Also, I love your wall corsage --it's gorgeous -- what a unique idea. I am adding you to my blog roll so I don't miss another post!




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