Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Open House

Let's Visit Another House in My Neighborhood
(built 1924)
Today's Open House has a little lesson in landscaping.
The house I'm showing today is in my neighborhood.
The above photo was taken in 2004.
This photo is from 2008.
Notice the blue atlas cedar in front? It's getting bigger quickly. It was almost too big in 2004. 
In 2008, it really is getting too large.
And here is the most recent photo of this home as it appears in the listing.
(with a new roof and paint)
The blue atlas cedar is HUGE! People love these added to their landscaping.
I have one myself. Mine is planted about 12 feet out into the yard.
I'm even questioning it after viewing some of these after they've grown.
The tree at this house was a little bit big in 2004...but by needs to be removed.
I see many of these around planted super close to houses. They are very popular in this area.
Lots of times they get planted in groups of threes.
Just a warning...these trees (and I love them) get hu-MON-gous.
They are a fast grower and grow up to 100 ft in height.
They are so cute when they are young and look like Charlie BrownChristmas trees.
But they really fill in as they get older and taller. 
Cute baby one.
Look at the trunk and spread on this one! Do you want that right next to your house?
Cute but no room to grow.
Yikes! Not so cute now.
This does not mean I wouldn't plant them...I just wouldn't plant close to the house and
I'd plan on removing once it gets over 15 feet tall.

I'm fully prepared to chop mine down when it gets too large for my landscape. 
It's only about 8 ft tall now. I bought it when it was about 4 foot only four years ago.

Now on to the inside....
Living Room
Interesting...a brick fireplace with decorative tile inserts.
I'd paint this fireplace a greige color that would better blend with the tile. The white is too harsh.
But it's a great room with lots of light. I like the windows that go almost to the floor.
I like that industrial table paired with the chandelier.
Some slip covered or upholstered dining chairs would look so nice with this.
A more neutral colored rug...and flowers in the center of the table and this room would be SUPER chic.
Ok...let me just say...we are not really looking at these photos for the decor. 
I just like looking at old houses for their architecture and all their quirks.
Very cute kitchen. I love it that they took the doors off the cabinets.
Looks like they might have an industrial light bulb chandelier. I really like those.
The layout of this kitchen is similar to what mine was originally.
I originally had a back hall and back door.
About 20 years ago, whomever lived in my house enclosed the backdoor and 
added sliders in the breakfast nook instead and ripped down the wall between the kitchen and hall to make the kitchen longer. That added lots of cabinet space and I have every bit of it filled...but 
I wish they'd just left it like it was originally. I think this is a much more attractive layout.
I really like the comforter and the painting over the bed. 
Perfect view to the backyard. 
Now this is where it gets interesting...They turned one of the bedrooms into a large bath
with laundry.
I really like that chest of drawers with all the different sized drawers.
Lots of shaded patio in back and a great big tree. 
I'd hang chandeliers and twinkle lights in that big old tree.
Wouldn't that be fantastic?
(view the entire listing here)

Don't forget about my awesome giveaway from Shabby Apple!

You get to choose which dress.....
I'll choose a winner on April 15.
Just go to this post to enter.


  1. I like the house, it has great "bones" and that's ALL I'm going to say. :)

  2. Nita, Great lesson about the Atlas Firs!!

    The nurseries should probably make all of this info clear to people when they purchase!

    I do really like the house featured, had to smile at the bubblegum machine as dining centerpiece though!

    Art by Karena

  3. What a charming home, not charming like Realtor speak for small or old (both things I find actually charming). Love all the wood trim, the way the rooms are set. Great fun to peek inside.

  4. I love your Sunday Open House posts, Nita. Thanks so much! The house has so much potential, doesn't it!

  5. I am in love with that white comforter. Do you know the source. Look like it could be west elm. Great post. I love those homes.

  6. I LOVE that industrial dining table! I am way way into that look right now. We saw quite a bit of it at Round Top.

  7. My husband always says stuff like that about planting trees or certain kinds of plants... people plop them next to their house and a few years down the road it, oops time! We have a tree/bush that we have no idea what it is... 6 years ago it was 2 or 3 feet tall... now it's a tree and about 20 feet tall. Glad it wasn't planted next to our house!

    LOVE the windows in this listing and how close to the floor they are. I agree with you on the dining room table, love it but would change out those chairs. I also love that kitchen! And I'm with you on the twinkle lights!


  8. What an interesting chest of drawers! I keep thinking I may have to take some cabinet doors off in my kitchen. My husband will have a cow. We just remodeled three years ago and put them on! On the tree topic, we have lived here six years and have had to take so many trees out because they were in the wrong place and close to the foundation! What are folks thinking?

  9. Love the big tree and sitting area in the last home photos!! And, very good lesson in landscaping, Nita!

  10. I agreed with all of your comments! The house is lovely, however, so much more it could be. With home staging the house could sell quickly.

  11. I like the architecture of this house but it is walking advertisement for staging a home when selling.

  12. I particularly love the bedroom of the house. The comforters and the great view outside is perfectly relaxing.

  13. I love the interesting bathroom/laundry room...favorite room in the house. The dresser with the diff. size drawers is so beautiful. Nita to answer your question about he cat...I transfer mama to another crate so that I can get to the is a real tough thing to do but she gets over it. Dawn xo


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