Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Great News!!!

Yes, it's true, Zippy has a new home.
Belinda, the MVL reader who first wrote to me to tell me about Zippy and to ask for my help 
in trying to find him a home, wrote me last night to tell me that he has been adopted.
- Big Sigh of Relief -
I've had so many that wrote to ask about him and I wrote Belinda a few days ago inquiring.
I'm so happy he has a home
but there are still millions of shelter dogs that don't.
I wish they all could have Zippy's new good fortune.

I guess this is another dog post. 
Last night a new MVL reader wrote that she too had a silly dachshund.
I went by her blog to see a photo of her dog and oh my she has a doozy of a story about her little
Go to the blog of
just click on the banner above.

to read about silly Freyja
Her story is typical of what a dachshund would decide to do in unusual circumstances.
They make decisions for themselves but not always the best decisions.
"The Not So Mean Queen"
After talking yesterday about how bossy Violet is...I started to feel bad.
She just knows what she wants and when she wants it and demands that she get it.
It works for her....she does get what she wants.
Today she sat at the baby gate and talked to me while I painted.
She growled in a low throated growl trying to tell me something.
I don't know what. It was raining today so she didn't want to go out as much.
How frustrating for her that I don't speak her language.


  1. Awe, I am so happy he found a home. I would take every stray, neglected, homeless dog in the world and enjoy spoiling them rotten if I could. Well, hubby has threatened to throw me out before because I would stop and pick up strays and we about had too many to take proper care of. I only have 3 outside ones now. Violet is a beauty!

  2. Awe, I am so happy he found a home. I would take every stray, neglected, homeless dog in the world and enjoy spoiling them rotten if I could. Well, hubby has threatened to throw me out before because I would stop and pick up strays and we about had too many to take proper care of. I only have 3 outside ones now. Violet is a beauty!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that Zippy has found a home... I'd like to get another doxie and plan on adopting, since we've now done the puppy thing.

    Thanks for the mention! She is quite the character.

  4. So happy for Zippy!

    I know what you mean about not speaking 'doggy'. I feels Ben's frustration sometimes when he's clearly trying to tell me something and I just don't know what it is. Love my Benny-boo-boo!


  5. I am so relieve to hear about Zippy.... reading that story just broke my heart. We have a 13 year old dachshund that is quite crabby with other dogs but I can't imagine someone taking her to the pound if we couldn't care for her any longer!!

    I really enjoy reading your blog, both for your dogs and your style :)

    From a dachshund lover in the pacific northwest (and "grandma" to little Freyja that you mentioned today!)....

  6. I have been without a dog since last June when we lost our beloved Jake. It's the longest I have been without one since I was about 9. I'm still not ready but I'm getting close again. Love hearing about yours. Our first dog was a doxie/beagle mix - what a great girl she was.

  7. That is good news! Any time someone takes a pet in need, it is awesome.

  8. This is great news, Nita!

    All hail, Queen Violet!!!

    She is adorable, and makes a very regal queen in my book!!!

    Ricki Jill

  9. I am all choked up, Nita.This is the best news ever.I am so happy for litle Zippy !! FAN TAS TIC !!

  10. So happy Zippy now has a home and well be loved and taken care of! They all deserve good homes!~Ames

  11. A-D-0-R-A-B-L-E!!!
    So grateful found a home!

  12. I'm so happy for Zippy. Those big eyes...too sweet!
    My Aussie, Sam, is laying here at my feet. He brings such happiness to my family! I'm sure Zip will do the same for his new "pack."

  13. Great news! Violet is looking and sounding mighty sweet today!

  14. Thank you Nita for the follow up on little Zippy. I've been wondering about him. SOOO HAPPY to know he has been adopted. Hopefully he has adjusted and this one's a keeper!! Hugs

  15. I happen to love doggy and kitty stories and this is no exception. So glad there's a home for the adoptee!

  16. My sister has a pappillion. They are very smart and stubborn and sassy. Most fo them take 3 years to potty train because of how their minds work. On the other hand, they are so loving and companionable, all 'sins' are immediately forgiven.

  17. I'm so glad to hear that Zippy got a home...I was afraid that he would end up with you! LOL!
    Being the mom of MANY fur babies, I know that rescues seem to give EXTRA love, as if in appreciation for their new home and family. Thank goodness it was such a happy ending!
    I love that Violet is so assertive!
    I could learn a thing or two from that girl! LOL! I bet we all could. I also bet that even though you don't speak her language, you UNDERSTAND it! :)
    I'll have to check out the story on the other blog, I hope it doesn't make me cry!
    XOXO - Cindi

  18. Nita, your dog is adorable on that beautiful pink couch. loving your blog as I catch up on your postings. Have a great weekend if you can while you paint, paint, and paint more. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes.xo

  19. Hooray! Thanks for telling us!


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