Friday, January 14, 2011

In the Mood for



  1. Nita, the first image is a wow for sure. You have to check out Freckled Laundry's post on using a damask stencil to get that look. It was amazing.
    I think you would love it. I am loving blue too, and you know, I never used to love it. The blue hallway with the black doors and the fab chandy throwing the gorgeous shadow is divine.

  2. Nita, that bedroom is very pretty and I like the MCM lamps. Also the blue drapes. In the other image the mirror with the fabric used as a memo board is gorgeous. Have a terrific weekend. ♥O

  3. I've always been a blue girl. I love all of these. I was out antiquing today and thought of you when I came across bottle brush trees and glittered houses galore! I know YOU wouldn't have walked out empty handed as I did.

  4. Nita,that frame with the wrapping paper inside is it. Thanks for another great the are ya? Have a great weekend! Dawn Suitcase Vignettesxx

  5. Gorgeous images. I've grown to liking blues more and more these days. I am really drawn to soft blues, blue grays and turquoises. The ornate frame wrapped with the wrapping papers is beautiful and the color on the wall is lovely, too. The aqua lamps are fun! Have a wonderful weekend, Nita.

  6. Ha! I'm always in the mood for BLUE!!! LOL! (wink, wink, inside joke!)
    But seriously, You know that I am a huge fan of white and then some more white....but I've been thinking of painting the room at the back of the house BLUE!
    Actually when you walk in the front door, I think a persons eye shoots straight back, so I'm still thinking about it... and maybe tiling the bottom half of the wall in various colors of brown and doing an industrial look...still thinking...

  7. I just bought 3 shades of turquoisy/teal paint for my kitchen! One is a Ralph Lauren metallic. I'm hoping I'll like it, there is only a small amount of wall space mostly between the backsplash and cabinets.... Since I put away the Christmas decor I was feeling color-depleted. My plan is to brush on all 3 colors and let them mingle a bit....

    I love these 'blue' inspired images you've posted!
    ~ Violet

  8. This is all so difficult to choose just one! :)


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