Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday Home Tour 2010

A Mod Vintage Holiday!
Let's take a little tour around the living room.
Lots of photos prepare yourself.
I bought this church on sale at Target after Christmas last year.
I almost didn't get it because I thought I really didn't need it
Didn't need it! What was I thinking?
Of course I needed it.
I said I'd been glittering.
I was inspired by 
to do the 25 for Christmas.
I might as well tell you now.
The dining room furniture is no where near being ready.
Yes, no dining room yet.
I thought I'd get to paint this week.
But no...too many other things to do.
A very good friend gave me this little snow woman last year. Isn't she sweet?
I found some plastic reindeer at Garden Ridge and added a little Mod Podge and lots of German glass glitter.
These deer cost me $3.99 each and now they look like those that cost lots more.
Very happy I am about that.
I love vintage bottle brush trees.
I just got this pink house off came in the mail this morning!
Happy Saturday Morning!
More deer that I glittered.
I got this puffy cotton white tree on sale at Target last year too.
It had brightly colored balls on it, which I immediately cut off.
I wanted small bulbs in vintage pastels to go with all my stuff...but I couldn't find any.
At least not last night at Walmart when I decided I needed ornaments on this.
So I bought the smallest bulbs they had in silver and 
tarnished them with paint.
See the one on the right is how they came. The one on the left has been tarnished by me using 
watered down brown craft paint...just swoosh your brush all around and then dab off with a paper towel.

This turned out so well...that I'm thinking I'm going to do on other new ornaments in the future.
Still nothing beats a vintage bulb. 
But when it's 1am and your only option is Walmart - this works!
A cloche with a bottle brush tree in it that I made last year.
The small reindeer was a plastic animal in with the model railroad stuff at Hobby Lobby.
I really love him...and I think I'll buy more and do them for the tree.
He was a little pricey at $4.99 but I used a 40% off coupon.
I decided to hang the wreath in the window.
Not the best photo because the light is behind it.
I'll try another at night.
I don't know that I'm going to get around to making new stockings like I wanted.
So I went ahead and hung my store bought ones. 
These came from Target a few years ago.
I have a really good idea for some different ones I want to make and I might do them this week.
We'll see. 
See all my cute Christmas pillows?
My friend Shannon (the one whose house I showed at Thanksgiving and will show her house at Christmas soon) well, last year -
I made the statement that I'd seen some cute pillows at Target that I hoped would still be there after Christmas because I wanted one or two to go on the bench on my front porch.
Well, Shannon headed to all the Targets at the crack of dawn.
I figure if it's gone after noon when I get wasn't meant for me to have.
I don't get up early to shop for anything.
So Shannon shows up at my house all smiles.
"I got the pillows for you." she says.
As she lugs in a huge, huge sack.

"Pillows?", I say.
"I just needed one for my porch."

And she says, "But they were so cheap and you can use them inside instead."
She got me 8!

I thought what in the world am I going to do with all of these?....but you know what?
When I got them out this year...I could have used two more.
And Target didn't have anything cute like this in my colors this year.
So, she was right...I did indeed need these.

That girl has Holiday Sense...I tell ya.
See how cute they are?
One of the snowflake ornaments I glittered the other night.
They look very similar to ones I bought last year.
Glittered some stars too.
Now the tree feels finished since I added more ornaments.
See more photos of my
and to see more photos of my mantel go here.

The Weenie Condo or Breakfast Nook
Just a little tree for the weenies.
I just thought this snowflake was pretty sitting on top of the candlestick.

Another great find from Target from several years ago.
Target used to have such wonderful things.
I didn't think they had anything very good this year.
This tree is perfect for the kitchen.
That's all for now...but I still have a week to add to it.
Maybe I'll get something done on the dining room furniture and can show it in time for 
New Year's or at this rate...I'll be doing good to have it ready for Valentine's Day.

Happy Holidays!
sharing at


  1. Nita, it is so very pastel, white, and lovely. Shannon bought you the perfect pillows for the sofa and chair. Now you have me on the look out for Putz houses and bottle brush trees! Do you have snow? It is cold and raining and yucky here and I would love snow. I am going to make patato soup to warm up♥

  2. Found you through Funky Junk hookup - love the name of your blog and that fab white Christmas tree!

  3. oooo, everything is sooooo beautiful!!

  4. Hi Nita, every time I read you or see your home I always feel enchanted, I don't know if it's your writing, your home, or I suppose the combo. The pillows are great, what a friend! And I love that white tin tree. Looks so vintage and collected. I hope you are enjoying and taking time to sit and relax in that beautiful living room.

  5. I wish all of those bottle brush trees were mine! I just love all of your decorations and your home is 2die4. I am in love with the venetian mirror over the mantel and that pink sofa! OH MY!!

    Lovely things for sure.


  6. Hi Nita, Loved every piece! The white tree was beautiful! judy

  7. I just love everything!! I love all the pink!! Now I wish I had more pink! I did a candy land theme this year maybe next year I will do pink and white! I am sure my husband will be thrilled.. haha =)

    Oh and I am jealous of all the candlesticks you have!!! I have a lot but not as much as you! I can only find a few i love in the stores and it seems the only other ones i see are CRAZZZY expensive!! Do you have a secret place you find the perfect ones!?!?!??!

  8. Oh my goodness, I think your home is one of my absolute favorites for the holidays. It's so pretty with all the pink and white and oh my, yes you needed that pink church:)


  9. oh my goodness, i love it all! love the deer you glittered and the fabulous cloche vignette! i cannot believe you got that pink house at TARGET!!!!! and where did you get the white christmas tree? I have been wanting one, but i have two issues: i can't find one big enough (i want a 9 footer) and i'm worried it'll yellow when stored. thanks for sharing your fabulous winter wonderland!

  10. Sooo very beautiful! I love all of it truly! Also I wanted to thank you for my award! I have not had alot of extra time to stop by but I wanted to let ya know I was honored!

  11. Hi Nita, well just pinch me pink I'm in wonderland. I could stay and look all day. Love the spiral silver tabletop. Not to mention the little church. How utterly adorable; Merry Christmas Terri

  12. Hello, visiting from, love the very fresh and fun! Merry Christmas! Laurel@chippingwithcharm

  13. I just ADORE your house! Your holiday decorating is phenomenal. Do you think I could incorporate some pink into my red decorating scheme? I've fallen in love with yours.

  14. Absolutely beautiful! Love the colors you choose.
    Thanks so much for linking up to my Holiday Open House!

  15. Nita, Your decorations are drop dead gorgeous!! Everything is so beautiful I don't know where to start. Love the mantel with the Venetian mirror. Your collection of bottle brush trees are fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing all your pretty Christmas decor at my party. Happy Holidays!

  16. WOW! It's all so gorgeous! I gotta tell you Nita, you have inspired me to start collecting for Christmas! I love all the WHITE, and those little houses and the little bottle brush trees and all the glitter! I haven't decorated for several years now and seeing your beautiful home makes me realize that I need to! How magical it must feel when you walk in the door! I think you should put off the dining room furniture and sit back and ENJOY your home!
    Thanks for the awesome Christmas Tour! XOXO - Cindi

  17. I am one of your newest followers because everything you have done to your house is simply gorgeous. I have a love affair going with the vintage look. So, I've been drooling and daydreaming while looking at your blog! Merry Christmas!~Ames

  18. Nita--Everything looks amazing! Love your pink bottle brush tree & I think we have the same vintage pink glitter house! I still have tree and chandelier envy. The good thing is.. my tree is over 25 years old and I need a new one! All your projects look great & that little pink love seat is sweet!

  19. I sat with a cup of hot cocoa and have thoroughly enjoyed touring your 'Christmas' home! Beautiful! xox

  20. What an amazing tour of all your lovely vintage Christmas decorations. Just beautiful, Nita.
    Adore your reindeer that you glittered and the snow ball tree, just to mention a few. Love, love, love everything!

  21. All your decorating is beautiful. I love your furniture! What a wonderful friend you have to surprise you with those adorable pillows. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Beautiful, What a Delight!!! Your collections and sense of beauty are absolutley stunning. ~ Violet

  23. Everything looks beautiful and I looove all the glitter! Thanks for the mention. :)

  24. I Love your Home, Your sense of Style & the Colors.... Your Christmas Decor is Beautiful & Love all the little tricks & tips, Pillows too!

  25. Nita, your home is just beautiful! I just LOVE all the vintage and vintage-inspired goodies...I could look around all day! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Nita, You have the most gorgeous Christmas stuff I have ever seen! I was so glad to here you were leaving it all to me!

  27. Nita,

    Just enchanting, magical and I want to come live with you for the holidays...hee hee ♥

    Your tree is so wonderful as is everything else that I my eyes focus on but of course, you remember I'm the one swooning and coveting that MIRROR over the mantle. :0)

    Wonderful post...such much beauty!

    Merry Merry,
    Stephanie ♥

  28. Your home is magical! I need to come back and look again when I have time to study every beautiful picture!


  29. Your home is like a fairlyland! It is so magical and beautiful. You've done an amazing job decorating. I also love your pink couch and chair. Perfect touches everywhere!

  30. Nita your house is so beautiful! I love all the fun touches and wonderful vintage feeling it has-and I love that the weenies have their own little tree-soo cute!! Thanks so much for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday and Merry Christmas!

  31. Nita your house is so beautiful! I love all the fun touches and wonderful vintage feeling it has-and I love that the weenies have their own little tree-soo cute!! Thanks so much for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday and Merry Christmas!

  32. The house looks wonderful. I love all the vintage things you collect. But where are the weenies? Inquiring minds need to know.

  33. How pretty! Looks like you've been a busy gal. Enjoy...and have a wonderful Christmas!


  34. Beautiful decor and blog :)
    Merry Christmas :)

  35. Merry Christmas and Happy Pink Saturday! It looks like a winter wonderland in there! Love it! I particularly like all the silvery glittery reindeer - they are just amgical. Where do you find the glass for the clouch? Did I say it right? My daughter has a doll that needs to go under something for dust and I thought - oh all those bloggers use them all the time.

  36. So pretty! I love everything - that church from Target is awesome!

  37. You have done a beautiful job decorating your home! It is gorgeous!
    Love it all! So fun! Merry Christmas!
    ~ Julie

  38. Love all your vintage pieces and all your new glittered stuff too. So pretty!

  39. wow Nita you outdid yourself, I love your decorations and your color scheme, I love the pastel colors used together.. for more reindeers and at less expensive price go to etsy and google cake decorations or cupcake toppers. you will find several styles one an entire deer family... hugs JoAnn

  40. Hello! New follower here. I LOVE your site! I love all things vintage, mod and that sparkles! Beautiful decorations for Christmas! You have given me inspiration! Thank you!

    The Digital Looking Glass

  41. Well I'm sure happy I found you through Beverly from PINK SATURDAY... so many girls to visit now. I started 2 years ago, and PS was my first Meme....YOUR HOME AND DECO. IS STUNNING really really beautiful. I don't think I have a fav. right now, I love it all.
    Your rich in Chandeliers and Weenie Dogs, and I'm rich in draperies and rescue dogs lol
    Merry Christmas Nita
    Love Claudie from Canada

  42. I enjoyed every single picture. Just kind of got lost in all that dreamy stuff. It's gorgeous! Thanks for the tour! Wishing you the happiest of holidays!

  43. It's hard to believe this is a the same house after seeing it all decked for Halloween. I love all of the sparkle!


  44. Enjoyed the tour. I love the deer glittered. I am going to have to find that glitter. Love all your white trees. Your home is so pretty.

  45. Love love love everything.

    But that aqua candlestick - mmmmm mmmm purty.

  46. What beautiful photos! glad that I stopped by from Pink Saturday!... Merry, Merry!

  47. Happy late Pink Saturday and I love all your displays,very nicely done and I really enjoyed my visit. You are right Target didn't have much of anything good this year, they were a big disappointment in the holiday department, love everything you have from last year, the little punk church is wonderful! I need to paint to and it didn't happen, maybe next year, Merry Christmas Marilou

  48. Hi! I absolutely love your blog! As a thank you for sharing your creativity, ideas and passion, I want to give you the Stylish Blog Award...
    Stylish Blogger Award Rules for accepting this award are:
    1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this.

    2. Share 7 things about yourself.

    3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

    4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their Blog Award!

    You can get the award off of my post, just save it as a pic: Merry Christmas

  49. What a fun Christmas it looks like you're going to have! ;) Can I just say that I might be a bit obsessed with your mantle/ fireplace??!!! the mirror, the trees, the tile work, all of's lovely! Have a blessed Christmas!

  50. Loved the tour of the house. Great idea to beef up the reindeer with glitter. I will have to do that. I bought some of those Walmart ornaments, but haven't gotten around to making them look older. I guess I'm running out of time now!

  51. ohmygosh!!! LOVE it all, especially the sofa and chair. They're perfect for your wonderful room!

  52. Just dropping back by to thank you for joining the "Tour of Homes" party. Happy holidays!


  53. Everything is so pretty! Like a Christmas wonderland. ;)

  54. Hermeeeeeeee! Love me some Rudolph, Abominable and Hermey! :) Your colorful Christmas decorating is absolutely delightful. Thanks so much for the fun tour!


  55. your holiday home has me officially swooning! i love it all but oh my that glittery 25 knocked my socks off!

  56. Your Christmas decorating is truly magical!!!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  57. Very pretty and sparkly! My favorite.

  58. your house is beautiful! I love your decor.

  59. Hi Nita -
    Wow, everything in your home is just beautiful. I love all your vintage finds and all the glitter and sparkle that seems to be everywhere. Love the cotton ball tree too. Can't believe you found that @ Target!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and your sweet comment.
    Merry Christmas!

  60. I love all you vintage goodies!! Beautifully done, Merry Christmas!

  61. I hope you have time to read all of these comments... WOW EYE CANDY CHRISTMAS!!! I love bristle trees at Christmas and the vintage Christmas wonderland you have fun and it ALL!!!!

  62. I absolutely LOVE, love, love your home!

    Did you make your magnificent wreath? Did I miss the tutorial. I found the mother load of shiny brites at an estate sale and am wanting to do something similar.

  63. I highly recommend the boat tour Nosara with Sky And Sand Nosara. The tour offers a perfect mix of relaxation and adventure, and the guides are very knowledgeable about the area.


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