Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Report

My Christmas
I had a lovely Christmas at my friend Shannon's house.
This was the tree in the dining room.
and into the living room with it's blazing fire
another view of the Christmas tree
Fred is the best present under that tree.
Christmas in the master bedroom.
Isn't this bed great?
And the master's pretty little tree.
Wouldn't want the bathroom to do without a tree.
On to the office tree.
with it's big red star on top
The guest bedroom...where surely the guest dreamt of sugar plums.
guest bedroom has a tree too.
and into the kitchen
and finally back to the dining room for Christmas dinner
We simply had a Wonderful Christmas Time.


  1. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Her home is just beautiful~ lovely Christmas decor!

  2. Wow! And I thought I was the biggest fan of Christmas trees! What a beautiful home and those beds......!!!!!!

  3. What a wonderful place to have Christmas! Her house is incredible and your photos are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful post.

  4. I suddenly feel like an underachiever. I can't believe all the trees! It's almost like a Christmas tree shop.

  5. A gorgeous house and each tree is so pretty, too. I'm with An Urban Cottage ... I suddenly feel like an underachiever.

  6. Wow, amazing house, I love, love the master!!

  7. Looks like you had a lovely Christmas- and I guess you just can't have enough Christmas trees, I may need to stock up some more for next year, hahaha!!

  8. Beautiful home! thanks for sharing!! It takes me and my mom weeks to get up two trees and various stuff around the house! How long does it take her??

  9. Your friend is the kind of overachiever that makes the rest of us mere mortals seem wholly inadequate. ;^)

    (a tree in the bathroom??)


  10. WOW! What gorgeous decorations! Do you mind sharing where you found the animals for the tree you decorated for the bathroom? I absolutely LOVE these! They are just the cutest! Hugs! ♥♥♥

  11. Whoa! That bed! LOVE IT!
    Adore the dog! Fred has the such a sweet soulful face.
    My favorite tree is the bathroom one too!
    I'm so glad you had a wonderful time!
    :) - Cindi

  12. Gorgeous!! I can't imagine how long it takes her to decorate!!

  13. Here's my latest report! I am SO in love with your sweet tree full of animals that I went to Macy's today! I found FIVE! I am so proud of them! That's ALL they had but now I have a start to my little collection! I couldn't wait to get home and look at your photos again! They are so much fun! Hugs! ♥♥♥

  14. Wow ... your friend's home is gorgeous! Isn't this where you also spent Thanksgiving? Lucky you! Glad you had a good Christmas! xox

  15. Your friend's home is just beautiful and so festive. I love her idea of having a tree in every room and she's decorated them all so beautifully. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas.


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