Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Mantel 2010

A Little Winter Wonderland
My mantel is finally done...but subject to change as I decorate the rest of the house.
I kind of add a bit here and there all over.
And normally, the last thing I decorate is the chandelier but this year...
trying to have my mantel up and complete first...I went ahead and did.
I may decide to switch things around.
But I'll post updates, if I do.
I added the little pompom garland thing at the last minute. 
I just thought it needed something.
But I had no pompoms, so I made some by rolling cotton batting in my palms.
They are strung on fishing line.

I like the concept...but may refine.

I think I'll go buy pompoms and dust them in glitter.
But might just nix it all together if I get around to making new stockings.
Or I might put my old stockings up...which are aqua with trees on them and totally still go.
They just look store bought...which they I want to make some.
 I have not unpacked them yet.
Chandi is decked out but I'll probably add a few more ornaments after I do the tree.
I love these little cardboard houses and have collected them for years as well as little snowmen and elves.
Funny thing is...when I was a kid...I hated all this stuff.
It seemed so cheap. And they were...this sort of thing cost like 10 cents new.
And they were old when I was a kid....and I didn't like old. Well, I liked antique and they weren't antique, so I didn't like them.
But then as an adult I became drawn to all the ornaments that when I was a kid I didn't like.
I've done Christmases full of Department 56 Villages
(all packed safely away in case I decide I want to do again)
and I've done big Victorian Christmases with tons of paper scrap ornaments and antique santas and elegant glass but about 10 years ago,
I started obsessing about the more ordinary. 
The ornaments that weren't necessarily expensive to begin with.
Like Shiny Brite bulbs with flocking and Merry Christmas printed on them.
If they are tarnished...all the better.

So for the last few years..I've been doing a 1930's/40's type Christmas. 
You'll understand when you see my tree.
I used to buy these little elves for a few dollars but they are becoming more and more expensive. 
Good thing is...I have plenty of them. 
So now I only buy when I find them cheap.
Of course these stocking hangers are new - bought at Target last year.
One for each weenie.
Speaking of weenies...
Look at my little elves that helped me with this.
Well, they helped while I took photos.
Newman...being so good! 
He just sat on the ottoman while I took photos...usually he jumps from sofa to chair to ottoman 
and back and forth. 
But today...there was Christmas stuff all over the sofa and chairs and only the ottoman was clear
so he had to just sit and be good.
I think that's a bit of snow glitter on his nose.
And since I got a good shot of Newman....I had to get one of Harvey too.
But he kept getting closer and closer to me...I couldn't get him to sit still...
He was very excited by all the stuff in the room.
Not that he moves very fast when he's excited...
his being excited consists of a tail wag that continues all through his body. 
And he kept jumping towards me with his little hop hop...
he doesn't get more than an inch off the ground when he hops because he's so tubby.
It's too cute. Both were very good boys today.
I always put roll out cotton snow on my mantel because I'm scared of scratches.
I used a round candle holder to make the scalloped edges.
I just pressed the candle holder down twice beside each other and could cut the scallop 
by following the imprint it left. 
I did this all along the edge....two scallops at a time...much better than drawing it on with a pattern.
More photos to come as I continue the decorating marathon.
My favorite thing about Christmas is the decorating.
So I often decorate right up till the day of.
Continuing to add.
Last year I was snowed in on Christmas Day.
Just me and the weenies with nothing but a can of pumpkin to eat.
They had dog food but I shared my can of pumpkin.
All my neighbors had left town or gone to relatives the day before...
and I could have gone next door and raided their pantry and they wouldn't have cared.
But I just didn't feel that was right.
So I shared my can of pumpkin with the dogs and then I proceeded to decorate some more 
on Christmas Day!
I'd been working so much that I didn't have it all just so...
So I enjoyed tweaking it.
I also made vintage looking bottle brush trees that day which I'll show soon.

Now I'm off to look at everyone else's mantels. 
I wouldn't let myself look until mine was up too.

I love seeing everyone's Christmas decorations, don't you?
Isn't this blogging thing just the best!?!?!?!?

sharing at


  1. Wow! It was worth the wait! The scalloped snow cotton was so clever. A winter wonderland. I love it.

  2. Oh, it is totally charming.
    Happy Christmas! To you and to Newman.

  3. GORGEOUS ! Reminds me so much of my childhood - my mother had cardboard houses under the tree. I love the pink trees in your header picture - where are they from ?

    And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the little elf'ish folk -
    too cute !

    I'm a follower !


  4. Nita,
    This is a whole lot of vintage wonderfulness! The elves are adorable. The cotton ball garland is perfect. And THAT FIREPLACE, it's simply gorgeous! I also love the chandelier with the vintage-colored ornaments on it. Perfection. Everything works together and nothing seems to belong. You've done a wonderful job!

  5. I forgot to say that picture of Harvey cracks me up. What the GREAT shot!

  6. well i'll just live vicariously through you as i don't have a mantle or fireplace. sadness.

    i love it all and those tubby dogs really just kill me. so cute.


  7. Yours is the first mantle I've seen that made me want to strip mine bare and start over! Aboslutely, Positively Gorgeous!
    I love every detail! The colors, the trees, the white garland and the whimiscal silver reindeer! Nita, you are truly gifted!
    My house would not support these colors and this year is a buy-no-more Christmas decor year so I'll just leave mine alone and dream of yours! LOL!
    I'm off the send my daughter this link! She's going to love it!

  8. I just love Newman and your mantle looks great! Love that decked out chandy too!

  9. 1) Your mantel is breathe taking!!!!
    2) Yes, blogging is the best!
    3) I can't get enough of your dogs!!!! I can just visualize their moves! Ollie says hi!

  10. Nita, how lovely is your mantle? I'm not surprised after seeing what you did with your mirrored bathroom (still in awe). Love the little cotton balls hung of fishing line - so clever! Love the colors too. Wonderful display!

  11. YOUR mantel loves BEAUTIFUL!
    I love the pom-poms! It's all so pretty! Well done!
    I adore the doggie photos, both of them are SO cute!
    Those big eyes of Harveys go straight to my heart. I won't be able to deny that little one of anything.

  12. Nita, your mantel of fantastic. You must have a nice deep one to work with to hold all that. Mine is narrow and very hard to work with. Can't do a big display like I want to. I love your trees and snow and the colors. Great job!

  13. Your mantle is breathtaking. I am in love with each and every item. The colors are stunning....

    Take care,

  14. I like all the trees, it all looks so beautiful! My decorating is done but I still need to take more photos and perhaps participate in some of these blog house tours ... I'm now heading over to visit a few. Uh oh, am I going to want to start all over?!?!?!
    ~ Violet

  15. I love everything about your mantel. So darling. I'm going to go back through the pictures again, just to see if I missed anything. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  16. An absolute dream... love it. Those two handsome devils are priceless too. :)

  17. Be still my heart...I love this so much...and the pom poms...pure whimsy!

  18. Hi Nita,

    I stumbled across your blog via someplace know how it happens!

    Anyhow..I love all of your decorations...the tiny trees on the mantle are so sweet and the mirror above your mantle really needs to come live with me! :0) ♥

    I'm linked up for Pink Saturday if you'd like to drop in for a visit.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  19. Your house is so beautiful and girly. I feel like I decorate vicariously through your blog-- it's all the prettiness and softness that I'd love in my house but my husband has strictly forbidden! :) Your mantel is my favorite I've seen so far.

  20. Hi Nita, I don't think there are enough words to describe how much I love all of your images -- I am COMPLETELY enchanted. I love to see things so different from what I do -- it's what makes the season magical for me. I'm coveting your venetian mirror and your chandelier is too die for. Thank you for sharing it all. It's an absolute wonderland.

  21. Love, love, love the mirror. The lettered garland really just sets it off. All the sparkle with touches of color is so nice.

    I bet those elves are going to get even more expensive since Martha did a segment on them in her magazine. But boy are they cute.

  22. Hi Nita! I just found your blog via Lettered Cottage and your mantle certainly stood out. I read your house story and think it's beautiful. You have a very unique, almost ethereal aesthetic which is very genuine and honest. I too have a soft heart for dachshunds ;) My little girl is the light of my life. Enjoy your holiday and stop by my place if you get a free moment!

  23. It is like a winter wonderland, and it is absolutely gorgeous.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  24. Oh my, This is gorgeous! Your decor is perfect with the beautiful tiles on your fireplace.

  25. Your mantle is so fantastical! It is absolutely gorgeous!

  26. Nita you never fail to amaze and enchant me with your decorating abilty and sensibility! It all came together in a magical way, I love it! Your narrative also is captivating, you have a special quality that comes through in your blog. Now please say where you got your silvery trees, are they old, and how about the glittered banner? I remember having the same little cardboard pieces from my childhood, and seeing them brings back fond memories!

  27. absolutely love it! those pom poms are adorable, and the perfect little something. but adding more and adding glitter...? can't wait to see it if you go that route. the whole thing is so you!

  28. C'est ravissant!!!
    Et j'adore les jolis yeux de Newman

    ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

  29. Nita lovey I am off the internet one day and almost missed this loveliness. So glad I didn't miss this bling. The chandy is gorgeous and as a reflection in the mirror it gives me tachycardia. Your pale aqua trees are just right for the mantle and mirror. Waiting for that TREE. merry♥O

  30. Looks amazing! Love the little elves, I have lots too. I really like these ornaments and houses set against the white tree branches... really pretty and shows off those fab colors of old. Your chandelier is gorgeous too! The color scheme is perfect. Love it!

  31. Oh my gosh...I love love love it! I must follow your blog. You inspire me. Thanks for sharing.


  32. I love your mantel so much it was the first one to come to mind to be featured when I wrote my christmas mantel roundup post. :)

  33. Love to see other artist homes. Love the mantel!!! Beautiful Kathy

  34. How sweet! Love the colours and the vintage feel - and adore your dogs!!hahahaha!!Woman after my own heart!!

  35. Yes it does look like wonderland .Love your mantle and chandy. And of course I am partial to the dog. How sweet.

  36. Nita--I love this so much that I've been back two days in a row to look at your beautiful photos. I'm going to mention it on my blog soon. Thanks! :-)

  37. Well done- I love your blog!
    Thanks for sharing

  38. I'm getting all excited just looking at your stuff. I love the little pincone guys and the elves playing instruments are one of my favorites. The whole mantel is gorgeous!

  39. Love your vintage inspired mantel! It is gorgeous. I have a few vintage items on our current holiday mantel.

    Dropping by from all the linky parties!

    cristin @ simplified bee

  40. wow!! I love your mantel, I just discovered your blog and am so glad i did. I have loved the putz houses for years and they are an integral part of work I create and sell. I love discovering these minature worlds and love what you have done with them. I use them at valentines,easter all year long.Come stop at my blog and see sometimes. I will surely put you on my blogs to visit list. hugs JoAnn

  41. Dropped by from Julia's. Wow, your mantel is so pretty. So magical!!

  42. This is so sweet! I love the mantle. Came her via Hooked on Houses.

  43. Adorable!!!! I love the little elves. I love it all! :)

  44. New reader here and I'm just loving your decorating! It looks just awesome! and your dogs are adorable! :-)

  45. Nita, it is so much fun looking at your mantel again. I love it and love those cute little people. Thanks for linking up this week.

  46. Your mantle is so pretty! This is the first time I've been to your blog - I'm glad I stopped by!

  47. Hi Nita,
    I opened the party back up--sorry had to figure out how to do this! I would love if you would link your BEEEautiful mantel to the party. Spread the word if you can with the button!

    Here is the link

  48. Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your talents. Rebecca (coming over from The CSI Project link party)

  49. I am so in love with the vintage feel of your mantel!

  50. I love your mantel and the vintage vibe. Beautiful! My favorite part is Harvey and Newman though! So sweet! Niski says "hi"!


    Thanks so much for linking up to the DIY holiday highlights! LOVE seeing your decor!


  51. Love it! I remember hanging flocked ornaments on my tree when I was little, I so wish my mom still had them! I would love some Shiny Brite ornaments!! Your mantle looks great! Well done!

  52. I love the whole vibe. I love how full it feels without feeling busy.

    And the weenies are killing me. Slayed.

  53. This is so beautiful! It really does look like a winter wonderland!

  54. WOW!!!!!! Simply stunning. Thanks for sharing.

  55. Thank you for joining my party last week! I am a bit behind with my comments... Your mantle and chandelier are amazing! I am adding you to my blog roll.

    Best wishes,

  56. Nita, your mantel is amazing! I love everything about it. It was funny -- I saw it a Hooked on Houses and I knew it was yours before I even read it was. You have such a wonderful personal style!

  57. Your right!! This blogging is just the best! it brought me to you and to see a fantastically beautiful mantle! I too thought the things that my parents has were cheap and my Mom eventually threw them away for new things. Now I could just scream at the fact that she threw out everything that I am now looking for and dying to have once again!

    Nice to visit you!!

    A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  58. I absolutely love your mantel! I'm featuring it on my blog today!

  59. I love your winter wonderland mantel. The reflection of the chandelier with the ornaments is perfection.

  60. Oh I just had to come read some more of your posts, thanks for visiting me. I'd love to see your place in person!
    I feel the same way about the "cheap" Christmas decorations. I have some stuff now that I'm sure I would have scoffed at when I was a kid.
    I think it's just something about bringing back those childhood memories.
    I love what you've done with your mantel, and that chandelier...ooh la la!!

  61. Nita, I've been admiring all of your decorating over the past few posts. Your Christmas decor is all so pretty! I LOVE the mantle and the sign hanging over the mirror. It's all sooooo wonderful!


  62. Your mantel is delish! Your enchanting. I hung on to every word. This is the first blog I have peeked at this morning and it is pure delight!! Gotta follow you hun. Yeah for me!! KEEP posting!!

  63. Well done- I love your blog! Thanks for sharing Danielle


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