Saturday, November 13, 2010

The First Thanksgiving

Indians and Pilgrims
The traditional Thanksgiving Putz.

I'm ready for Thanksgiving once I've got this out.

I found this years ago.

I thought it so sweet.

My fantasy has always been for all to come to Thanksgiving dinner dressed either as a pilgrim or indian. 

But I can't ever get anyone other than myself to agree to this plan.

They always laugh and say...."Oh, you are so funny".

But I'm not kidding....I want this to happen.


  1. People always do that to me too. So what if you're the only one dressed up? I say go for it, Nita. Show up as a pilgrim this year, and next year you can be a native American. Laugh if they may now, people will always have that memory.

  2. I love your first Thanksgiving display -You should dress up -I think it would be so fun

  3. These are sweet. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was able to visit yours and I like your style. I'm following.

  4. That is cute and sweet, but I am glad we don't have to cook our turkey's like that these days. I bet life was good back then, no hustle and bustle. I know it was tough, but I bet is was good.

  5. Maybe you should teach elementary school. When I taught, that was a given. We always had a feast and dressed as pilgrims and Indians. The kids always wanted to be Indians though b/c it was just a more cool costume. Glad you brought this up. I'm thinking of doing it with my kids at home. Wouldn't that be fun. Wonder if I can get my hubby to go for it..hmmm...

  6. I agree! I said that too a few years ago and they all burst out laughing!

  7. Cute display. If you ever get everyone to agree to dressing up...take pictures! :o)

  8. You are so speaking to me...I always want our family to play croquet on the lawn after Easter lunch every our "whites" like a Ralph Lauren ad. LOL! I say go for it!
    --Lee Ann

  9. Love this! I wanted to tap into my English roots one Christmas and so I gave everyone crackers with the paper crowns inside and little trinkets. My dad and daughter humored me- everyone else looked at me like I was an idiot!! :) I don't care- it was fun. You go as a pilgrim! LOL!
    Just signed up to follow you. Love your kitchen inspiration pics.


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