Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween in the Garden

The Spooky Landscape
source: Country Home
source: Corbis

Just a comment that has nothing to do with Halloween. 
Today my new Ballard Designs catalog came. 
Which is a big deal to me. Love to browse all the beautiful things and this one is especially chock full. 
But....the weenies got to it before me. The whole first 10 pages are so are mangled. 
And you know the first 10 pages are the best...because that is where the new stuff is. 

Something needs to be done about them. This penchant for getting the mail before me has got to stop.
I think it's time to retire the mail slot and start using a mail box. 
I'm so tired of chasing them around to get any mail that I think might be important. 

Of course it's my own fault. If they have a bit of mail that I grab from them and then decide is junk...
I hand it back to them and let them tear it up. So they really don't know its bad. 

Also my own fault because when Harvey was a puppy, he was in to tearing up things and I would hand 
him junk mail to chew and tear up to keep him occupied. So he grew up thinking it was fine to open 
envelopes and pull out the contents. 

I knew to keep my shoes up, to not let them play with socks, to not let them chew on anything that 
seemed similar to things that I might later regret letting them chew on. 
But I did not think about junk mail becoming an issue. 

I've learned my lesson now though. In the future, I will not let puppies play with unwanted mail. 
Because they cannot tell the difference between unwanted and wanted. 
I once had to call the electric company to find out how much my bill was because they'd torn it up 
beyond recognition. And another time, I got my neighbor's mail by mistake and I had to take them 
their Visa bill already opened and with a few bite marks in it. 
I tried to explain that I had not opened it that one of the dogs had...but I don't know if they believed me.
I decided to snap a quick shot of them at my feet. Poor babies need a bigger bed obviously. 
And there to the left is a little junk mail they dropped unopened. 
Electrical cords too for lighting all the Halloween outside.

Dear sweet weenies...I can't stay mad at you for more than a few minutes.


  1. Love the inspiration photos Nita- that couch with the flowers is amazing!! :)

  2. I don't believe you. They look so innocent, certainly they did not do it :)

  3. Almost forgot-your pups are adorable all together in their bed! So sweet!! Love it! (sorry about your catalog!)

  4. Ah heck, let them sweet babies eat all the mail!

  5. That is the cutest photo! All four cuddled together. Aw! I agree with you - I couldn't stay mad either.

  6. Thank you for sharing these pics. I love them all. The galvanized tub as a table can be used for lots of occasions. That one will stick with me. The rest are simply gorgeous and I would love to recreate. We have Bassets so I can relate to your doggy dilemma! They think what is mine is theirs! Always - end of story.

  7. I love these photos!! Have a great weekend xoxoxo

  8. Oh, how very sweet the photo of the four pups is! Adorable. They don't look like mischief makers to me! :)

  9. I love these pictures. The ghost lanterns are great. I told Jordan we should do the pumpkin lit pathway and he said it was too much work. :o) La

  10. Well, I thought I left you a comment but apparently I'm still having computer problems! (besides the fact that I'm on my old dinosaur computer - long story) the photos and I wouldn't be too hard on the puppies but then again, it was the Ballard Design catalog (Hey! Where's mine? Hmm need to check THAT out) MY herd is being VERY bad. They have decided they are too good to go outside in the rain!
    So I've been finding some little accidents. If I find anymore!!!!!
    They will be banished to the laundry room! AARRGGHHHH!!!!!
    See! It could be worse! LOL!
    XOXO - Cindi

  11. Soooo cute. It makes my heart ache they're so sweet! What a lovely photo.

  12. Love your weenies- I have three. They certainly are adorable little people aren't they? I am your newest follower.


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