Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Favorite Room
Same room...just styled a little differently.
I have loved this room for a long time. It's been on my computer forever. 
I have no idea where it originally came from, 
so if you know...let me know and I'll add a credit line.

I adore that chandelier.

I know this photo is kind of summery but it's still summery here. 
Temperature is still at about 90 today.

I'm sewing on some projects. One is the finishing touch on my master bath. 
If you can call a bath that small a master.

The other is a little fix up on my kitchen to show soon. 
But I promise as soon as October 1 rolls in will be all fall all the time on my blog...
or rather it will most likely be all Halloween all the time. 

It's always so hot here till early October that I just go straight from Summer
into Halloween and then celebrate Fall in the month of November. 

I feel sort of out of sync with all the other blogs showing pumpkins and fall leaves....
but it's so hot here...pumpkins would rot. 
So those pumpkins just have to wait a few more weeks.

I'm also working on my dining room which has been nearly complete except for 
the furniture needing to be painted like forever. 
I'm finishing my sewing so I can remove it from the table and paint the table.

I need to decide on what color or colors will go on the cushions of my dining room chairs. 
I love this dining room.
And this one too

I'm thinking I might do the chair seats in different colors.
Or I might do them all in a neutral and make little colored slips for them. 

Not sure....but I need to decide. 
I swear..I'm not going into another holiday season without my dining room all finished.

Now...I've said it on the it has to be.


  1. Love that first pic, the cushions/pillows, the flowers. And I know what you mean by it still being summer :) It's definitely not fall here yet either.
    I vote for color in your dining room, summer or not :)

  2. It still feel like summer here too! I love all of the bright colors~

  3. Great inspiration pics! Your comment about not going into another holiday season without the dining room finished- I can so relate to! If you look closely in my living room I have only half of the baseboards. Last year I promised I would NOT have another Christmas without baseboards! Some were ruined when we refinished the wood floors. I have to find someone who can create matches to the original woodwork...

  4. OK, NOW you are totally freaking me out!!!
    I have that first photo/page up in my art/spare-room! I'm sure of it!
    The original photo showed more of the wall to the right and there were pails painted in bright colors hanging on the wall. And that last photo was from the same spread! There was also a white bedroom (walls and floor) and I believe a bright yellow metal table next to the bed with an old black phone!
    I think it all came from the an old "Victoria" magazine from several years ago! I saved those pages because I loved the white with splashes of color and all the metal that made it look so French. My dream home...
    Isn't it totally strange how I can't remember a damn thing, like a person's name but I can remember that layout! Ha! TOO SCARY!!!!

  5. I love the idea of different colored seat cushions. Holidays sure have a way of pushing us into deadlines. We finally watched Marie Antonoinette and loved it! I am going to watch it again. hugs♥olive

  6. I still have the magazine where that photo is from. That has got to be one of my all time favorite room as well! You and I have such similar tastes Nita :)

  7. I know!! Why is it still so hot?
    I'm worried about my newly planted lettuces.

  8. O goodie--an excuse to go through my old Victoria mags!!! If I find it, I'll share. And I love the idea of neutral cushions w vibrant covers -- options are always a good thing.

  9. a perfect living room decor i would say decorated to touch hearts,

  10. cool decor and everything used for decoration is soo pretty, i love everything from sofas to cushions and even the flowers and tables, just too good


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