Friday, September 17, 2010

Glam Bathroom

My Hall Bath of Mirrors
Sometimes you just have to work with what you have. 
This is the case of my hall bathroom. 
This bathroom was created by tearing down the wall between two closets. 
A renovation done long before I bought the house. 
Personally, I think I need the closet space more than the extra bathroom...
but...this had already been done. 
(view from the kitchen...oh silly Sally)

This bathroom is small. 
It measures 3 1/2 feet deep and 7 feet long which includes the shower stall at one end. 
So its really more like 3 1/2 by 5 ft.
The walls were already painted gray when I moved in. 
Something I at first didn't like but now love. It has the cheapest pedestal sink in it you can buy. 
And a mod toilet that I hate. I hope to change the toilet one day soon. 

The floors were covered in a large marble tile of gray and cream,
 which I at first thought strange and too upscale but which I now love.
I would have never chosen that flooring but....
it pushed me to make the whole little bathroom as upscale as it is.
The pedestal sink by itself just never seemed substantial enough 
to hold it's own with all those mirrors above it. 
Last night I finished sewing up this little skirt for the sink. 
Its made of gray organza with a metallic silver embroidery. 
I had the bright idea (- literally - ) of winding white twinkle lights up the pedestal. 
It makes the sink look magical.
I didn't pick the faucet. 
It's not what I would choose but I like it well enough to live with it. 
I actually prefer chrome faucets over any other choices because its so classic.

See the big mirrored medicine cabinet? Both of my bathrooms have these. 
To take them out would make such huge messes that I can't afford to fix 
and I don't know that I could patch the wall where they have been without putting in all new sheet rock.
My walls are plaster and sheath so really don't want to tear into any walls that I don't have to. 
So in both baths....I've come up with creative ways to leave them while changing up their look. 
And I actually kind of like them now.

I decided to leave this one as is and hang a venetian mirror on top of it. 
I love the look of layered mirrors. 
I found three ornate silver metal wall ornaments at ROSS (love the Ross) that I've used in this bath. 
The first one I hung from the ceiling with chains to cover the bad existing light fixture 
that I just haven't dealt with yet. 
I call this make do decorating. Because, I'm just makin' do.

The two small chandeliers also hang from this metal piece. 

As you can see there are many other venetian mirrors reflected in the larger mirror.

These are Shabby Chic mirror coasters from Target. 
I just added four of these to the walls tonight bringing the grand total of mirror-age 
in this tiny bathroom up to 68! 
It's as if the walls are wall papered in mirrors.
All the small mirrors are attached with velcro. 
I love sticky velcro. 
That is also what I used to attach the sink skirt. 
(sticky velcro on the sink and sew on velcro on the skirt)

So far this velcro has held very well as some of these mirrors have been up for as long as three years. 
I just keep adding to the arrangement. 

I added the new coasters today to the sides of the bottom metal wall piece. 
This is the far wall. I had to stand in the shower to get this shot. 
I have to say that I only got two sets of these coasters while they had them at Target. 
Most of these I've bought off Ebay. 
Although, I haven't found any there in quite awhile. 
Most of venetian mirrors in this bathroom were bought off Ebay. 
A few from Hobby Lobby too and here and there.

The arrangement began with the two metal wall pieces, a few coasters, 
the middle larger mirror just above the towel rack. 
(rack was already there and I had to work around it, as was the toilet paper holder)
I just kept adding mirrors as I would find them. 
The other walls are full too. 
Above the door and on both of the other walls. 
The only spot without mirrors is above the shower. 
And they will go there I find them.
I'm usually not a big fan of over decorating the toilet tank but 
it's the only spot in this bath where you can set anything. 
It brightens up the spot under the cabinet which I feel is entirely too big for the space. 
Another thing I'm just having to live with. 
I'd like to take the panels out of the doors and replace with either glass or mirror.

I'm sharing at

and linking up to the Beautiful Bathroom Challenge at


  1. What an amazing bathroom.
    I am a huge fan of venetian glass, and I need more info on how you hung those small chandeliers?
    I enjoyed visiting-
    I linked to Debra's party too.

    White Spray Paint

  2. Amazing I just love it. Im a big fan of glamming rooms up, The use of the mirrors is so affective.
    Take care tina

  3. How creative you are! I love the skirted pedestal sink w/ the tiny lights underneath! This bathroom is so sweet, fun and glamorous! I LOVE it!! (You dog is adorable too)! xo

  4. Nita, the first thing I thought of when I saw the bathroom was The good witch on the wizard of oz(the sink skirt reminds me of her dress) which I have always absolutely loved, and thought of as glamorous. Second, I am not girly, but man, if I was in your bathroom, then I would have to go all out and put on something really pretty and eye catching. I think the mirrors are fabulous and you have done an outstanding job:)

  5. What a great idea with the lights under the sink!! LOVES!!!

  6. I LOVE how your sink skirt is all sparkly and twinkly.
    I LOVE the layered mirror effect!
    Very cool....
    But not for MY bathroom because I don't want to catch that many VIEWS of myself! Ugh! (Especially naked! tee hee!)

  7. I love what you've done with such a tiny's so glam with the mirrors. I love mirrors too and have them all over the house. I recently experimented with layering them and I love the effect. So glad I found your blog!

  8. I REALLY love this! You did an amazing job and you've given me some ideas for my upstairs bathroom! Thanks so much for sharing!! I love those coasters...I hope Target still has some!

  9. Wowser!! What a beautiful bathroom. I love all the bling@

  10. I never imagined myself using the term magical to describe a bathroom, but there you have it. It is magnificent, even if you're just "making do."

  11. Nita, you missed your calling. You really should have been a movie star. All that glitz and glamour seems to fit you so well. ;)

    I love the lights under the sink. It does indeed look magical.

    Thanks for linking to my party. I would love to have you join me for one, or all three, of my parties each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  12. Just gorgeous! Love the curtained pedestal sink too. Thanks so much for linking up with VIF!!

  13. *blink* I can't close my mouth! Oh my word, this is such an incredible sight! Truly!

    I'm downright dazzled!

    Wow. Does it do a number on you where movement is concerned with all the layers? Inquiring minds need to know! :)


  14. WOW...don't know what to say...but WOW!!! Love it...especially the sink skirt!!!

  15. Nita I adore the venetian glass mirrors so much! Perfect!

    I have a New Giveaway from the French Basketeer I think you will love!

    Art by Karena

  16. WOW! Your "just making do" decorating is just too pretty. What an amazing space. Well done!

  17. Holy cow this is crazy awesome! I too am a fan of mirrors but I must say you have me beat! You should swing byand check out my wall of mirrors!

    Love your guts

  18. Wow, I'm blown away by the beauty of it all. :) So lovely.

  19. Wow how mirrorlicious! I think you did an amazingly creative job of using what was there and adding bling to it. I like it!
    You are giving me ideas.

  20. What an amazing bathroom! I LOVE what you did with the skirt and lights to the pedestal sink. SO CLEVER! The gray, cream and crystal/mirror color scheme is beautiful!

  21. Wow!! You sure know how to do glamour :) I love it, so over the top and sparkly!

  22. WOW!! You do love venetian mirrors! It is beautiful and you did an amazing job. Thanks for all the nice comments you sent my way.


  23. Wow! Now there ya have some bling any girl would love! That is awesome!

  24. This is so cool. I don't think I've ever seen a pretty mirrored room like this. Your changes really hide all of the things you aren't crazy about.

  25. That is freaking awesome;)
    Looks so great, really nice job!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Lovely greetings...

  26. Wow... I am, among other things, a mirror freak, so I love your bathroom. I especially love your big venetian mirror!

  27. Wow that is spectacular. I love it! Great job. I have a small hall bathroom too.

  28. Sometimes making due causes us to use our imagination in ways we would have never done. Your bathroom looks like it should be in the Ritz, I love it! The pedistal sink is Brilliant!
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  29. FABULOUS! Looking similar to mine that I am almost finished re-doing. I have less mirror, and more silver to polish. I was wondering if you made the mirrored sign that is over the toilet? If I can find a piece of mirror that shape I could use some etching paste and give it a try.
    Wonderful job you did. Hope to have my photos up soon, too.

  30. Your bathroom is amazing -It really does look magical like cinderella's birhday

  31. It's beautiful! I love the sparkle and magic of the lighting on the sink and of course, that fabulous mirror collection! This bathroom is like being inside a diamond. Love all the glamour.

  32. I found your blog via Funky Junk and I absolutely LOVE this bath! The mirrors are a fabulous well as the skirt and twinkle lights. You would be so welcome to come here and help me glam up my 2 little bathrooms...both of which I need to 'live with' right now. You have done a fabulous job and I just adore the glamour and bling!


  33. Wow awesome bathroom! I love the lights around the sink, and that mirror collection is great.

  34. Fabulous! Just fabulous! (Not too bad for just making do!)

  35. Nita, This is just breathtaking. Absolutely beautiful - it just sparkles!

  36. That is just WOW! Love that vanity.

  37. Um, this is the most GORGEOUS THING i've ever seen!! I love mirrors! It looks Versailles-ish & its great!

    So glad I popped by from the DIY Show off!! I am your newest follower!!

  38. Oh my goodness, it must be the most exciting place to take a pee!!!! *sorry*

    Does anyone get dizzy in there? OR do you find your guests lingering because they are gazing at all their reflections? I know, for myself, I'd be in there for a lot longer than the usual!

    It's absolutely the most stunning bathroom I've ever seen! It trumps the Trump Tower bathrooms!!!

    The skirt is beautiful!

    found you from FJI!!!!

    ~Kolein- NY

  39. This bathroom is unreal. I LOVE IT!!!!
    I just became follower 191!

  40. I LOVE the mirrors and sink skirt! This is so elegant and yet small. I just LOVE it!!!

  41. i would kill for that bathroom!! gorgeous!!!!

  42. Your bathroom is absolutely magical! I love it. It should be featured in a magazine. I love all of your mirrors and how you've displayed them and the lights under the pedestal sink with the organza curtain is beautiful. So so fun. Magical is the word that comes to mind!

  43. Just saw this and love it...I have a similar bathroom in our CV house in the hills....funny how we have so many things alike =)

  44. Nita, I love this bathroom!You have quite a talent for creating such movie star spaces. I just love it! Please come over and give me your opinion on what you think I should do in my living room!! I'd really love to hear your take on this.

  45. The lights!!!!!!! So gorgeous! (Along with everything else of course.) ♥

  46. Wow, and I mean WOW! This is inspiration and so beautiful!! You did an amazing job,

  47. WOW! Visiting from CSI. I've never seen sooo many mirrors before! You have definitely made it Hollywood glam!
    ~ Julie

  48. UHHH - LOVE your glam bathroom! I could admire myself for hours in there!! (kidding, kidding, more like examine wrinkles). How fabulous, sparkly and fun! I just love it.....I have to start looking for small mirrors in thrift stores to do something like this in my master bath. You are so creative!

  49. ahhh this is so glamorous!!!! i love every single thing about it!!! I will have a mom cave one day and you will be my inspiration!!


  51. So glamorous! I'd love this bathroom! The twinkle lights are such a tiny detail with major impact; love it!

  52. Wow!!!! This is spectacular stuff, I am a new follower *friend* gotta see what is next with you!

  53. What an amazing bathroom. You did a spectacular job! Love all of those little mirrors.

    - The Tablescaper

  54. It's so nice to see a blog that isn't ALLLL white...the white sites are great but viva la difference'. Mirrored bathroom...Fantabulous!! I like your style...Two things in a bath that are hard to hide & disguise, toidy paper holder and towel racks...ugh...Your mirrors really help. I'm not a professional decorator just a regular a question...any way of finding a different place for that towel rack? Gads it would so change that glamorous and beautiful wall...cover the holes with mirrors...I know you have probably commiserated over that thing, The logistics of reaching across the room to wipe your hands.... I don't know round ring by the sink? Well, I hope I won't get banished from your blog and I have never made a suggestion to anyone on a blog so I hope you understand my heart. Glam that wall girl glam that wall...

  55. I have never seen anything so fantastic in a bathroom. WOW that is a lot of bling...but it is so pretty, and unique, you must love walking in there just to see it. Nice job!

  56. I love your bathroom, Nita. We too, have small (tiny) bathrooms. This is amazing and gives me hope, thank you.

    Love your blog, look forward to getting to know you better. You're inspiring... the twinkly lights are perfect too.

  57. Nita, this is the cutest powder room I have ever seen :D You are ah-mazing!!!!

  58. Hi! I'm here from Funky Junk, and now I'm a follower :) Love what you've done with your small bathroom. What a great idea! I wish I could sew. Where did you get the little chandeliers? They are adorable. If the towel rack isn't really used I would just take it down. It distracts from the beauty of your masterpiece ;) Fabulous job!

  59. Amazing! I've never seen anything so lovely. It's like a fairy princess gone Hollywood film queen. Very chic and funkytabulous!

    Love the light source too, must be awesome when the sun hits just right.

  60. Nothing like feeling like you are in Hollywood darling!!!! So very fun and happy!!!


  61. WOW is all I have to say...WOW!
    I just came over from somewhere, but...forgot where. I got so excited when I saw your first picture that I jumped right on your Follow list. I love what you've done! It's amazing. Truely amazing. The mirrors...SWOON... and the lights under the sink,, ingenious. "It's so fun to look at and I'm sure even better to live in". I've got to go back and peruse all that you've created. Thanks for post such a delightful look-see. Please stop by and visit me... I'd love to get to know you.... Your newest follower...xoso Sandy O

  62. LOVE IT!
    I have wanted to do this for many years now. So far all I have is a "venetian" mirrored tray that I hung in the middle of the mirror like you did. Plus a little tiny one I have used on the counter as a place to rest my candle
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  63. Your bathroom makes me feel glamorous just looking at it! I like it! A LOT! The venetian mirrors is a nice change from the framed mirrors all on one wall. Of course I'm in the process of collecting all the framed mirrors to copy-cat that same look. lol. Not usually how I roll, but in this case, if everyones doing it then it must mean it's because it's totally awesome! I'd jump off the bridge too. lol. The twinkle lights is such an ethereal touch. :)


  64. I love the mirrors, What an encouragement u are for me to start thinking alittle more "outside of the box" with some of my own decorating decisions..........Bonnie

  65. Well hi there Nita! I've always come back to this post on your gorgeous, gorgeous bathroom, it's a keeper! I've got it linked today to my bathrooms post as well, for inspiration!

  66. Hello I've just called in via Inspire Me Heather, your bathroom is just gorgeous. I love the layered mirrors, and the lighting behind the skirt is total genius! Well done you! Have a great week, love Linda x

  67. Wow, what a magical and sparkling bathroom. I love all the mirrors, and especially love the twinkle lights underneath the sink, peeking through that skirt.

    Such an original and magical way to decorate your bathroom.


  68. Your glam mirrored bathroom is absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank yo for the inpiration.


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