Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Little Snail

Little Snail
Upon the ground.
Why do you frown, frown?

Is something wrong
in Snail Town?
Something is wrong in Snail Town! It's invaded by becomes Weenie Town!
Little snail surrounded by Plumbago in the corner of my deck.
I just can't seem to resist decorative snails in the garden.
This one found on half price at Hobby Lobby. 
I love the turquoise shell of course. 
That is the reason I bought him.
Lots of good photos of Franklin today.
He loves to sit up on the patio table and look over the yard.
What a face! Dear boy.
Looking for squirrels
He'll sit up here for ages.
I think he's part cat with the way he loves to be up high.
He thinks this is a viewing platform, not a dining table.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #112

Under Shaded Vines
What a wonderful sitting area on a deck.
This area decorated as completely as any living room.
And made all the better by the lush vines growing overhead and the many potted plants.
Isn't this inspiring?
Today I sat out on my deck in my little yellow chair with the weenies all around...
and oh...I didn't want to move. 
I could have sat out there all day long under the shade of my little redbud tree drinking ice tea.
Alas, I had things to do and couldn't sit there all day.

- Mod Mix Monday -
Everyone is getting so many summer projects done. 
I promise I have some coming up.

Here are my favorite picks from last week's Mod Mix Monday -

Laura of Cottage and Broome showed off her side walkway all a bloom.
What a delightful little garden!
Melissa of Shabby Love painted up an old wash stand and
now it's all fabulous! Isn't it precious?
made this super cute and pretty display for her garden
out of a salvaged frame and flower basket.
Super Cute!
Anne of Design Dreams by Anne got inspired by her new happy colored 
shower curtain and quickly made overher entire bathroom based on it's colors. 
I fell instantly in love when I first saw this little dresser painted by Shanna of 
Pink candy stripes distressed just right. Perfect for a little girl's room.
Kelly of Groovy Green Designs created this Mod made over desk. I love the mix of patterns and colors.

Share your new mixes below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Open House Sunday

Cottage in Medical Community
built 1928
This house is located near the OU Health Science Center in Oklahoma City.
It's the perfect pad for a young doctor to inhabit which explains it's high end finishes.
Adore that huge porch!
It's an unusual tudor style of house. 
I haven't seen one quite like it before.
The front porch would benefit from lots of furniture and plants.
Inside the furniture is mostly modern.
Modern with lots of oriental rugs...which I think is rather odd.
An Indian influence around the fireplace.
This fireplace would look fantastic with a wood mantel above it. 
Lose the tapestry.
This is an odd layout for the furniture.
I see why they did it though as the front door seems to open in the middle of the room.
So they divided the room into two major sitting areas. 
This room has a decidedly more vintage feel.
I don't know what style you'd call this dining room furniture.
Any idea? 
I really hate it.
Color on the walls is nice, that's about all I can say for this decor.
But...the kitchen is very very impressive. 
I'd prefer it with white subway tile...but all else is very pretty.
This kitchen sure does sparkle!
I'm not sure where this room is, whether it's a backroom, upstairs or what?
Looks to have another stove and microwave.
Interesting butler's area or bar.
Breakfast nook leaves me cold because of the furniture.
So much chrome and glass in this house! Too much.
More of the modern look in furniture in the bedroom. 
I do kind of like the bedside tables.
But think how much better this would be with an upholstered headboard instead of the matching bed.
More oriental carpets in this room too! 
Don't they seem odd with the decor of this house?
Bathroom goes vintage. I like it but it would be better with tile instead of beadboard.
Upstairs office is all set to do some serious work.
I'd love a space like this for creative.
Huge sitting area upstairs too.
Nice space to relax.
Big back deck and nice but sparse backyard.
I prefer my backyard to have more vegetation.
Pebble walkway from deck to garage.

I don't think it would take much to make this cottage wonderful.
I sure would love to decorate it to fulfill its potential. 

How do you feel about it?
Does all the modern furniture leave you cold or do you find it refreshing?

I think they got plain rugs and mix some antiques in with the would be much better.

See the full listing here.

Have a wonderful Sunday!
The weather here has just been the best.
I wish every summer in Oklahoma would be like this.

But then everyone would want to live here!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

It's Weenie Time!

After work...most days...I spend a little time on the deck with the weenies.
Here is Franklin...he's panting because it was so hot mid 90's.
He's a full grown lovely boy now! He's over two years old.
He is very very sweet and gentle. He's very attached to me. Likes to be near me at all times.
He's an easy dog. He comes in when I call now and the only thing he is crazy about is squirrels 
but I never have to worry about him trying to get out. He seems perfectly content in my backyard.
When I had Newman I was constantly scared that he was going to find a way out or hurt himself doing
some daredevil thing. Franklin is full of fun...but he's not hell bent on destruction. 
He's a happy little guy.
I tried to get a photo of his full body, so you could all see how handsome he has become.
He has a very nice tail but his ears are a little funny. 
The hair stays short on the tips and is long on the tops.
Many of the photos turned out like this because he kept trying to come up and kiss me while I was shooting.
I haven't shown Harvey in awhile. He is much thinner than he used to be.
Here's a photo of how he used to look....
Very adorable but very fat.
He's is still chunky...but he has lots more energy now and can run and jump a little.
He's lost weight since I started spoon feeding them.
I don't leave food out for him to eat when he wants any more.
Still adorable.
I began this diet after discovering Violet is allergic to grain and chicken.
She had a terrible sinus infection and cough last year that just would not go away.
Many trips to the vet did not solve the problem.
The vet said it was just chronic and nothing to be done about it.
Well, I switched to canned food just because I'd run out of their normal dry.
That canned food was beef only. 
Mom had brought it when she came to stay with me.
After a few days on that food...Violet was so much better!
The coughing stopped and way less snotty nose.
Recently, I went grain free too and she's 100% again.
She has always sneezed a lot in the spring and summer but last year after she caught kennel cough 
from Franklin...she was sick most of last year.
I wonder why my vet didn't think to suggest it could be a food related allergy.
Her skin was itchy and broken out too.

Now it seems obvious.
Anyway, I wanted to tell about it here in hopes of helping anyone else that has a dog 
with a constant cough, runny nose and itchy skin.
Try taking chicken and grain out of their diet.

Poor Violet, she is not very photogenic. She is much more beautiful than this photo shows.
She is very hard to photograph too...she doesn't care about having her picture taken at all.

Newman used to stare right at the camera and I'd get lots of good shots of him.
Funny how some dogs like their picture taken and some don't.
Sally doesn't mind although she wiggles too much when close up. 
She is probably thinking about rolling in something in that top pic.
She likes to do that a lot.
Here she is being good. Such a silly girl with a silly smile.
Sally's lost weight too....Franklin has gained a little which is fine but poor Violet has 
gained several pounds. She used to pick at her food but since I changed it
she wants to eat lots of it. I think she knew it made her sick and ate as little as possible. 

That's what's up with the dogs.

Nothing much up with me.
Which is's good when things are dull...don't you think?
Nothing bad happening...and that is good. 

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