Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mod Mix Monday #39

This is a room full of things I would never buy and yet look how fantastic 
it looks. Hot pink velvet modular sofa...who'd a thought?
Hot pink tables....and a mod silver floor lamp that I'd walk right by.
But put it all together and it's pretty fabulous.
I love the white sheers too with the rough wood ceiling and of course the chandelier.

So here I am...Tuesday already and I'm super late with Mod Mix Monday.
Good thing this is my blog or I'd be fired. 
Just hard to get MMM up when I work till 1am and then work again early the
next day.

But I still picked my favorites...from last week just the same and they are...
Tammy's foyer from the blog Beatrice Banks.
She thrifted and gathered and remade her hallway.
Shannon of Fox Hollow Cottage transformed her mantel with a little white paint.
Sharon at Elizabeth & Co. shared her bathroom renovation.
I love the white iron stone on the blue walls in the bath.
Courtney of French Country Cottage had another amazing makeover. 
She painted an old china cupboard in gray paint and it looks like a 
million damn dollars. 
Notice little Bella sitting in the sunshine.

Here's to next week!
Link up this week's MMM's below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.

If you link up..I'd appreciate it if you'd follow me.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Open House Sunday 37

Eclectic Cottage
This little cottage I found on Country Living's website. 
It's full of nice details.
I'm loving the blue ottoman and all the lilacs.
A cupboard stuffed with oddities.
See? Oddities.
fresh displays of old familiar things
the hip bar cart so prevalent these days
What do you think about the repeating "Last Supper" paintings on the wall?
I think it's pretty genius. Oh...the time I spent staring at that painting during church
when I was a kid. I'd sit and watch the clock and see how long I could hold my 
breath and stare at the "Last Supper", till my Dad would thump me in the 
temple with his forefinger. Which meant he was watching me and I needed to cut it out.
My Dad had eyes on the side of his head during church. 
But I remiss....I like that chandelier with all the little souvenirs clipped to it.
cute porch and I like the moose head
austere bedroom but quaint
How could you not like a country bathroom complete with white paneled walls and 
Chairman Mao? His eyes follow you while you bathe.
And this room had me at doxies.
This sleeping porch is really why I'm showing this house.
The perfect spot to curl up for a Sunday afternoon nap with puppies.

Have a pleasant Sunday!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Garden Sheds

Mid Winter Dreaming of Spring
Oh...a little whimsy of  a garden house right in the middle of a perfectly overgrown garden.
I took to Pinterest to find inspiration of what the perfect little garden shed might look like
and found many examples.

Today, as I drove off to work in a hurry as usual...I noticed all my little daffodils are up and blooming.
Winter soon to be over. 
Such a mild one we had and I am so fine with that.
I felt terrible that my flowers are up and I'd been too busy to notice.
Well, not just too busy but too sick to notice too.
Sorry, I've been MIA this week. I've been working and sleeping and that is it.
But feeling better now.
And next week is shaping up to be a light week...work wise 
so maybe I can get some projects done around the house.
I am so in the mood for spring. The weather has been so mild here that it seems it's already arrived.
I love garden buildings, don't you? 
I'd love to have one of these in my backyard.
A place for a glass of tea.
So charming
Yes, I can't wait to get out in the yard and have things growing again.
I promise photos of Franklin next week.
All the weenies are doing great.

I'm doing fine except for having a devil of a cold this past couple of weeks and no
energy to do anything extra.

But I'm feeling way better.
Hope you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mod Mix Monday #38

Great Room!
Lots to love in this room.
The gallery wall of family photos, the oval mid century buffet, blue ceiling
and that chandelier!

Sorry this week's Mod Mix Monday is going up on Monday night.
That cold I caught on Valentine's Day just got worse and worse.
I wasn't good for anything this weekend.
I'm sure I passed along the terrible sickness to all who came in contact with me.

I feel badly about that.

Let's review my favorites from last week, shall we?
Carrie at Lovely Etc... covered an old mirror frame with a map and turned it into this! 
Super Fun
How about this for a pretty kitchen?
includes a red stove.
Kelly at Eclectically Vintage created her dream kitchen complete with carrera marble countertops.
Sew Passionate got inspired by Ballard Design and created 
her own frilly chalkboards.
Patti of Pretty Old Houses shared her favorite in town garden in 
Virginia Highlands of Atlanta.
Oh...I'd love to just plop this garden down around my home.
And finally, this pretty little orange chest and cute fuzzy dog from

That's it.
I'm feeling so much better this evening.
Here's to a better week for me and for you.

Link up this week's MMM's below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.

If you link up..I'd appreciate it if you'd follow me.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Calm Pretty Interiors
I really don't have anything to say about all this except that it's awfully pretty and serene.

I'm thinking I might paint my living room and dining room white.

I'm afraid yesterday's post made everyone think I have alligator skin.
No, it just easily gets irritated by chemicals.

I mainly just wanted to let everyone know that I thought this stuff was fantastic.
And now it's incredibly soft. It is always soft but now it REALLY is soft.
But...I had several suggestions of other stuff I could try and I'll try them and let you know.

I take really good care of my skin...always have.
And everyone says I look much younger than my years.
I just thought that product something others might want to try.

It was the first time I ever bought anything I saw on tv.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Murad Skincare

As Seen on TV

Well, I didn't have a very good Valentine's Day. 
I came down with a terrible cold and spent my day off in bed so I didn't get to do anything
and didn't do any of my special Valentine's activities that I'd planned to do.
I think I caught my cold from Violet who went to the Vet on Monday for a runny nose.

Anyway, I always try to embrace Valentine's Day whether I have a significant other or not, 
which is usually NOT.
I think it's a day to let those you love know how much you appreciate and love them.

But none of that for me yesterday.

Now...I want to talk beauty today. This is not a subject I've talked about before here.
Last July, I turned 50....ugh...yes....the big 5 0.
I always thought that when you got older....Yes, you got wrinkles but no more break outs.....right?
No...when you get old...you have wrinkles AND breakouts!
I've been struggling with this for quite awhile. 
My skin was perfect in my 30's but all through my 40's it started acting like a teenagers.
Through the help of my dermatologist...my skin stayed clear pretty much.
But when I asked him what I could do...he said it was all hormonal and nothing I could do about it.

So one night last month...I'm watching late night tv and an infomercial comes on.
Miss Joan Lunden was touting the magnificent results her aging skin had gained by 
using Murad Skincare products.
Ok, first let me tell you that I am not associated in any way with Murad. 
I was not contacted to write this post.
I am writing this post...because this is an amazing product.
At least for me and I wanted to share it with you.
I am receiving no monetary reward for telling you about this.
It's just a great product.

Joan Lunden and her friends were going on and on about how much better their skin was since using.
And I had to admit...she and they looked pretty young and fabulous.
So after watching the program, I got on their website and ordered the introductory kit.
The cost was $39.95....and I thought I'd just take a risk. 
They promised I could return if I didn't like.

But I LOVED it!
My skin gets terribly dry in the winter...so much so that I have to slather vaseline 
around my eyes at night while sleeping to keep the skin from peeling.
I got this beauty tip from Tyra Banks.

It worked...but I thought...it could not be good to have a petroleum product all around my eyes each night.

So I got my introductory kit in and started using immediately.
They promised results in 30 days.
30 days? Try three days.
My skin was the softest its been in years.
No more pesky breakouts.
Their age defying night cream....solved all my problems with dry skin.
My skin is more even in tone than it's been in 10 years.
I also had one wrinkle that was forming under my right eye.
It was gone in two days and has not come back.
I wake with my eyes looking fresh instead of tired and puffy.

I know this sounds to good to believe but really this is what I've experienced.

Here is the only bad part about the introductory kit,
it comes with Sheer Lustre Day Moisture and Renewing Eye Cream.
I adored both products! But such small bottles. 
I was out by the end of the first month and to reorder those...it's like $50 per item.
The Day Moisture just makes your skin glow.
The eye cream is the first eye cream I've ever used that actually did what was promised.
The skin under my eyes was visibly firmer each time I used it.

But here is the sad part of the story.
I can't afford $100 every month extra although the large sizes probably last much longer than a month.
(I'm sure they do)
So I hope to be able to order them some time soon.

I've tried other eye creams and they always make the skin around my eyes sting.
This one did not.

I tried one the other day I bought for $13...it made my eyes all puffy and made my eyes water.
I also tried Preparation H.
I was told that it works wonders.
Nope...it smells horrid and did nothing for my eyes. Besides I just couldn't forget what was on my face.
And it made my skin all greasy.

Anyway...I wasted over $20 on stuff that does not work. 
Another $30 and I could have gotten the miracle cure from Murad.

I did look these products up online before I ordered and read many great reviews.
Anyway.... I just wanted to pass my find on to you and also to ask if there is an eye cream 
that you love that is cheaper than $50.
You can order the introductory kit by clicking above.

Too bad I don't get paid for my recommendation.
This stuff is just super fabulous!

Maybe an ad will show up on my sidebar through the magic of Google. 
We'll see. 
I'll be anxious to hear how it works for you if you order.